打开链接后的界面见下图 网站根据单词在CEFR中的等级分别制作了不同的pdf,比如,我只想学“a”的A1/A2/C2级含义和用法,那么只用看相应的“Level XX Word List”,如果想学"a"从A1到C2的所有含义及用法,可以看“A1-C2”,其它同理。 文档内容如下 A1 A1-C2 2022.11.30 更新 收到一些私信,因为各种原因需要ex...
网站根据单词在CEFR中的等级分别制作了不同的pdf,比如,我只想学“a”的A1/A2/C2级含义和用法,那么只用看相应的“Level XX Word List”,如果想学"a"从A1到C2的所有含义及用法,可以看“A1-C2”,其它同理。 文档内容如下 A1 A1-C2 2022.11.30 更新 收到一些私信,因为各种原因需要excel版。 我在石墨文档添...
perl-WordList-EN-Common-EF-Top3000 :(无描述) perl-WordList-EN-Common-EF-Top3000 :(无描述) 上传者:weixin_42121086时间:2021-02-17 欧洲语言通用参照架构.pdf 欧洲语言通用参照架构.pdf 上传者:hwx18537729388时间:2021-11-25 KET样卷 A2 Key for Schools 2020 sample tests Listening - question paper....
narrativeC2arts and media narratorC2arts and media noteMUSICC2arts and media organMUSICC2arts and media protagonistC2arts and media spotlightC2arts and media transmissionBROADCASTC2arts and media trilogyC2arts and media
1 CEFR proficiency levels B1 B2 intermediate C1 C2 expert belled with CEFR levels are limited. This is because the highly laborious, error-prone labelling process is performed manually (save for some exceptions). This results in several practical obstacles regarding publishing, teaching, and ...
Base WordGuidewordLevelTopic barkDOGB2animals breedKEEP ANIMALSB2animals nestC2animals actPERFORMB1arts and media advertiseTRY TO SELLB1arts and media publishB1arts and media setSTORY/FILMB1arts and media starB1arts and media broadcastB2arts and media ...
The depth of vocabulary knowledge and tasks such as collocation, semantic meaning, and word formation are not stated in the document. Other than the description of vocabulary size, the domains, situations and topics relevant to vocabulary use are not stated in the CECR wordlist. The CECR is ...
CEFR共15696个条目,一个基词下不同词性不同义项相关短语和短语动词都属于一个条目,先去除短语和短语动词条目,再去除不同词性不同义项但相同单词的重复条目,仅仅剩余6655个基词,CEFR的最高水平C2单词数量也就6655个。 a a.m. abandon abandoned ability ...