CDT Kids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, so we can accept charitable donations to support children with special needs in the community. A tax-deductible donation will work towards making sure that underserved children receive the therapeutic, educational, nut
Moreover, in these difficult times,parents have their hands full just keeping food on the table. If they can somehow get their kids to log in to their online classes every day, that’s a plus. If they can get their kids to actually turn in the assignments, it’s a miracle. But to ...
Full renewal (i.e. to renew both principal and interest for a specific period.) Renew principal and credit interest (i.e. to renew principal only, the interest generated will be credited to a specific account.) Add specific amount to principal (i.e. to renew the deposit with...
Therefore, your Company decided to invest only into mature businesses and take only a small stake, to begin with, but try to keep an option for full acquisition, should the business show sustained growth in the areas of your Company's focus. While this may have increased acquisition costs ...