In both cases, the resulting SQL statement will incorporate the access to a CDS view, which is a SQL expression on its own, plus one or several of the following ingredients: Filters (via WHERE-clause and / or view parameters), projections (field lists), and other SQL options (GROUP BY,...
for cds.odata-v4.endpoint.path Recommend to use chai 4 for the time being, as chai 5 doesn't properly work yet (requires ESM, chai-as-promised not working) View resolving for entities using property names that are identical to entity names Direct modifications with cds.fiori.bypass_draft ...
If we try to simulate the database lookup expression we get something like this: CDS – Built In SQL-Functions The example was written on a SAP NW7.40SP6 on HANA where I did not find many built in SQL-Functions. Aggregations: MIN MAX AVG SUM Control and/or programming: CAST CASE LPAD...
Sensitive ear-lobes and lips, and faces with intricacy of expression beyond any other creature on this planet. The angle of the human vagina is such that face-to-face copulation is encouraged. All these observations they never seem to learn ...
View products (3) SAP HANA combines OLAP and OLTP processing in a single in-memory database, transactional and analytical can live together in the same place and this means you have access to the exact information you need in real time. With this new approach an interesting question emerges,...