Path expression in CDS view: @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName:'ZCDS_ON_ASSOC1'defineviewzcds_on_assocwithparametersairport:S_FROMAIRPasselectfromzcds_assoc2ascds2{cds2.carrid,cds2.connid,cds2.airportfrom,,-- useinnerjoin...bydefaultassociationusesleftouterjoincds2._sfli.planetype}...
01.cds view 表达式(Expressions) 25:14 02.cds view使用内建函数(build-in function) 22:27 03.cds view Aggregate Expressions 21:50 04.cds view 多种join方式 08:18 05.cds view union和union all 07:05 06-final 15:49 06.CDS Views with Input Parameters 01:37 07.Views with Associa...
Expressions can be nested within each other. Situations that previously required a view stack can now be implemented within a single view. Operand positions, such as the WHERE-clause, allow a greater variety of operands. Some features that haven't been widely used are no longer supported in vi...
DEMO_REGEX_TOY 2. ABAP SQL & CDSView Entity支持正则语法的场景 ## 3. 用法 LIKE_REGEXPR 取工厂为纯数字的数据(ABAP SQL) SELECT * FROM marc WHERE LIKE_REGEXPR( PCRE = '[0-9]{4}',VALUE = werks,CASE_SENSITIVE = ' ' ) = 1 into TABLE @DATA(lt_marc). 1. 2. 3. 4. OCCURRENCES...
Due to the limitation regarding the usage of path expressions inside ALL and EXISTS, inside the element group of the PFCG condition the issue does not exist. Addition 3 ... BYPASS WHEN Description The addition BYPASS WHEN bypass_condition can be used to specify that the element is not used ...
1.3 Overview The synchronization engine creates an integrated view of objects that are stored in multiple, connected data sources, and manages information in those data sources. This integrated view is determined by the information retrieved from connected data sources and a set of rules that ...
It is advisable to specify an element of the CDS entity directly and to only use path expressions in exceptional cases.The operator ?= is applied to all CDS elements in the left parentheses. It cannot be restricted to individual elements....
The association _scarr is declared once behind the keyword association and can be used at several places inside the view in path expressions. You can also publish it for usage in other views or in Open SQL, but I have not done that here. For our simple example, I use the path expressi...
Associations that could be followed at runtime by using explicit path notation in an SQL access are not counted. There are of course many more factors that contribute to the complexity of a CDS view: join and union operations, CASE expressions, functions and calculations, aggregations, and ...
label: 'CDS view entity, simple types' define view entity DEMO_CDS_SIMPLE_TYPE_USAGE with parameters p1 : demo_simple_type as select from demo_expressions { key id as Id, num1 as Num1, char1, $parameters.p1 as Parameter1, cast( char2 as demo_simple_type_de ) as cast_bt } ...