In a CDS View how can I use the Case statement to validade a field that is not retrieved from an outer join? Here follows the example: How can I verigy if ekbe_mseg.belnr is empty? Thank you. case.png 6 KB Reply 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION simon_collet Product and Topic Expert 2016 ...
A CDS view ‘View_R’ contains a ‘not NULL-preserving’ calculated field ‘fldR’. A calculation is not NULL-preserving, if the calculation result cannot be NULL even if the input value is NULL. Examples are the COALESCE( arg1, arg 2) statement and the CASE statement: case when attr1...
There are of course many more factors that contribute to the complexity of a CDS view: join and union operations, CASE expressions, functions and calculations, aggregations, and others. In one of the following blog posts we will see that for example calculations can have a major impact on CDS...
Currently, you cannot use UNION, case-join in CDS view entity modeling Special case: Explicit JOINs to CDS entities with only client key field would require either a JOIN without an ON clause in the syntax/grammar usage of "always true" predicates (1 = 1) as a workaround What are the ...
If a parameter is annotated like this, the ABAP runtime will automatically supply the parameter with the value of the related system field, in case no other value is provided by the consumer. As a consequence, you can still supply all parameters as before when you use the view ...
Figure 1: Defining the CDS view in the DDL editor Example @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'CUSTOMER_VW' DEFINE VIEW cust_book_view_entity AS SELECT FROM scustom JOIN sbook ON = sbook.customid {,,
The defined name is also used in the case of INTO CORRESPONDING. If no name is defined, the client column is not transportedCDS database view The view fields of a CDS database view of a client-specific CDS view always cover a client column. This applies regardless of whether the client ...
later on, implying a major threat to banks’ stability, as they are holding riskier assets, calling for imminent actions in support of the banking system. Moreover, in case of the low-rated banks, CDS spreads rise more than in the case of high-rated ones. The same also holds in the ...
视图名称:I_EquipmentData 视图类型:基础视图 视图代码: 点击查看代码 @EndUserText.label: 'Equipment Data' @VDM.viewType: #COMPOSITE @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'IEQU
In case an Open SQL statementSELECTis access such a parameterized view or a view that contains such a view as data source, but the accessed database system does not support them, a non-handleable exception of the class CX_SY_SQL_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE is raised. ...