In a CDS View how can I use the Case statement to validade a field that is not retrieved from an outer join? Here follows the example: How can I verigy if ekbe_mseg.belnr is empty? Thank you. case.png 6 KB Reply 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION simon_collet Product and Topic Expert 2016 ...
Case Statement and Conditions Simple case – 类似于 ABAP 的单个变量的 Case 语句。复杂/搜索案例-这在每种情况下都有多个条件,并且可以具有除“等于”( = )以外的条件。 在这个例子中考虑下面的 Marvels Movie 表。假设我们想将 Phase 生成为 First、Second、Third、Four 而不是 Phase 1、Phase 2 等等,...
WITHPARAMETERS('LOCALE'='CASE_INSENSITIVE') 一旦指向结果集(result set)的引用lo_result在1049行代码调用next_package方法,CDS view的前1000条数据就被赋值到了ABAP内表lr_data里: 这种不采用ABAP OPEN SQL,而用CL_SQL_STATEMENT,CL_SQL_CONNECTION等系列工具类的数据库访问方式,称为ADBC - ABAP Database Conn...
A CDS view ‘View_R’ contains a ‘not NULL-preserving’ calculated field ‘fldR’. A calculation is not NULL-preserving, if the calculation result cannot be NULL even if the input value is NULL. Examples are the COALESCE( arg1, arg 2) statement and the CASE statement: case when attr1...
(2) When we test read & search function against the odata service created on top of the CDS view, the operation is delegated to CL_SQL_STATEMENT~EXECUTE_QUERY. And now I ask myself, since what we have typed in Eclipse is pure text, how does ABAP backend interpret the text and convert...
一旦指向结果集(result set)的引用lo_result在1049行代码调用next_package方法,CDS view的前1000条数据就被赋值到了ABAP内表lr_data里: 这种不采用ABAP OPEN SQL,而用CL_SQL_STATEMENT,CL_SQL_CONNECTION等系列工具类的数据库访问方式,称为ADBC(ABAP Database Connectivity): ...
The tip here is, if you are not sure which class is what you are looking for, then always start with what you have already known. In our case it is CL_SQL_STATEMENT~EXECUTE_QUERY. Set breakpoint on this method and type some more characters in Eclipse, the breakpoint is triggered imme...
一旦指向结果集(result set)的引用lo_result在1049行代码调用next_package方法,CDS view的前1000条数据就被赋值到了ABAP内表lr_data里: 这种不采用ABAP OPEN SQL,而用CL_SQL_STATEMENT,CL_SQL_CONNECTION等系列工具类的数据库访问方式,称为ADBC - ABAP Database Connectivity. ...
Oh, it seems the real source is NSDM_V_MCHB...I replaced MCHB with it in the DDL, and it works fine now! Thank you very much. But now I think I should be careful to define a ABAP CDS view. Do you know how to avoid to write incorrect DDL statement in such case? If we must...
When a Fiori app is executed, user parameters will be passed down via OData query options to some handler logic in the ABAP backend. Either the SADL framework builds an SQL statement on a CDS view that is directly passed to the database, or some ABAP processing logic is called that execut...