BY DATABASE FUNCTION: 会将方法标记为table function,还有一个选项是通过BY DATABASE PROCEDURE标记为存储过程. FOR HDB: 设定数据库类型为HDB (HANA数据库). LANGUAGE SQLSCRIPT: HANA数据库存储的语言. OPTIONS READ-ONLY: 存储过程内不允许修改数据. USING: 定义table function中消费的数据库表、视图或者存储过程。
1. 创建一个Core Data Service Table Functions 新建Core Data Service Table Function 定义CDS Table Functions @EndUserText.label:'a simple AMDP for CDS Table Functions'@ClientDependent:true//打开 Open SQL的自动客户端处理define tablefunctionZAMDP_CDS_TABFUNC_01with parameters@Environment.systemField: #...
BY DATABASE FUNCTION: 会将方法标记为table function,还有一个选项是通过BY DATABASE PROCEDURE标记为存储过程. FOR HDB: 设定数据库类型为HDB (HANA数据库). LANGUAGE SQLSCRIPT: HANA数据库存储的语言. OPTIONS READ-ONLY: 存储过程内不允许修改数据. USING: 定义table function中消费的数据库表、视图或者存储过程。
因此,在某些情况下,无法使用ABAP CDS解决问题时,可以使用一种变通的方法,即通过ABAP Managed Database Procedures (AMDP)创建ABAP CDS Table Function。 CDS(Core Data Service)是SAP的战略性的技术解决方案之一。其目的是在数据的物理存在和用户需求中间构建起一个虚拟层,满足用户对访问SAP系统数据的需求,CDS的设计具...
For looping you might either create a "main" table function and loop in SAPScript or use Open SQL in ABAP, where you can SELECT from CDS table functions and can pass ABAP variables as parameters. Horstdmitry_sharshatkin Product and Topic Expert 2017 Nov 16 8:49 AM ...
(1) Create a new table function @ClientDependent:true@AccessControl.authorizationCheck:#NOT_REQUIREDdefinetablefunctionztf_BP_DETAILwithparameters@Environment.systemField:#CLIENTclnt:abap.clntreturns{client:s_mandt;partner_guid:BU_PARTNER_GUID;partset_guid:CRMT_OBJECT_GUID;partner_no:CRMT_PARTNER_NO;...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development, SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP So far, you could debug ABAP Managed Database Procedures (AMDPs). From now on, you can now also debug CDS table functions using the AMDP debugger. A table function consists of a CDS definition and a SQL Script...
Control of the handling of obsolete data for the CDS table function. Annotation Meaning Annotation Values Default Value if Not Used Default Value if Used Without Value DataAging.noAgingRestriction Defines the handling of obsolete data on a SAP HANA database when Open SQL is used to access the ...
SAPCDSview自学教程之六:如何在CDSview里消费tablefunction Let’s try to resolve one real issue now. What we want to achieve is: in CRM we need a CDS view which returns the service order guid together with its Sold-to Party information, “Title” ( Mr. ) and “Name” ( blGMOUT The ...
functionsTSTMP_TO_DATS, TSTMP_TO_TIMS, and TSTMP_TO_DST. The values of the columns DATS1 and TIMS1 of the database table DEMO_EXPRESSIONS are combined into a time stamp by the conversion function DATS_TIMS_TO_TSTMP. The program DEMO_CDS_DATE_TIME accesses the view and displays the ...