水稻CDP-DAG合酶的基因组编辑赋予多病原体抗性 核心提示:北京时间2023年6月14日23点,《自然》(Nature)杂志发表了华中农业大学李国田教授团队牵头完成的题为“Genome editing of a rice CDP-DAG synthase confers multipathogen resistance”的研究成果。该研究成果对扩大抗病基因来源,推动作物抗病育种、植物病害绿色防控...
2023年6月14日,Nature发表了华中农业大学李国田教授团队牵头完成的题为“Genome editing of a rice CDP-DAG synthase confers multipathogen resistance”的研究论文,该团队通过筛选病变模拟突变体(LMM)克隆到了“RBL1”广谱抗病基因,此突变体具有广谱抗病性但会造成严重减产。通过靶向基因编辑RBL1,获得了rbl1Δ12突变...
近日,该研究成果以“Genome editing of a rice CDP-DAG synthase confers multipathogen resistance”为题发表于 Nature。大米是世界上一半人口的主食。水稻受稻瘟病、稻曲病、白叶枯病等危害,仅稻瘟病(由真菌 Magnaporthe oryzae 引起)每年导致损失的大米就能喂饱 6000 万人口,植物病害成为全球粮食安全的严重威...
RBL1 encodes a cytidine diphosphate diacylglycerol synthase that is required for phospholipid biosynthesis. Mutation of RBL1 results in reduced levels of phosphatidylinositol and its derivative phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (Ptdlns(4,5)P_2). In rice, Ptdlns(4,5)P_2is enriched in cellular ...
CDS2 (Phosphatidate Cytidylyltransferase 2, CDP-DAG Synthase 2, CDP-DG Synthase 2, CDP-diacylglycerol Synthase 2, CDS 2, CDP-diglyceride Pyrophosphorylase 2, CDP-diglyceride Synthase 2, CTP:Phosphatidate Cytidylyltransferase 2) (MaxLight 405)化学性质 ...
英文名称:CDS2 (Phosphatidate Cytidylyltransferase 2, CDP-DAG Synthase 2, CDP-DG Synthase 2, CDP-diacylglycerol Synthase 2, CDS 2, CDP-diglyceride Pyrophosphorylase 2, CDP-diglyceride Synthase 2, CTP:Phosphatidate Cytidylyltransferase 2) (MaxLight 405) ...
We then demonstrated that a 29-base-pair deletion in a gene we named() caused broad-spectrum disease resistance and showed that this mutation caused an approximately 20-fold reduction in yield.encodes a cytidine diphosphate diacylglycerol synthase that is required for phospholipid biosynthesis. ...
Here we present the high-resolution structures of phosphatidyl serine synthase fromcrystallized in four different states. Detailed structural and functional analysis of the different structures allowed us to identify the substrate binding site and show how CDP-DAG, serine and two essential metal ions ...
Crystal structures of phosphatidyl serine synthase PSS reveal the catalytic mechanism of CDP-DAG alcohol O-phosphatidyl transferasesdoi:10.1038/s41467-021-27281-wM. CentolaK. van PeeH. Betzzkan YildizNature Communications
英文名称:CDS1 (Phosphatidate Cytidylyltransferase 1, CDP-DAG Synthase 1, CDP-DG Synthase 1, CDP-diacylglycerol Synthase 1, CDS 1, CDP-diglyceride Pyrophosphorylase 1, CDP-diglyceride Synthase 1, CTP:phosphatidate Cytidylyltransferase 1, CDS) (FITC) ...