操作步骤 1.将预设策略 QcloudCamSubaccountsAuthorizeRoleFullAccess 关联到子账号/协作者。 主账号或具有管理权限的子账号/协作者在左侧目录中选择策略,进入策略页面后,可以通过搜索 QcloudCamSubaccountsAuthorizeRoleFullAccess 找到该策略,单击右侧操作列的关联用户/组/角色,在弹出窗口中,选择需要关联的子账号/协作者,...
The Office 365 CDN is only available to tenants in theProduction(worldwide) cloud. Tenants in the US Government and China clouds don't currently support the Office 365 CDN. The Office 365 CDN is composed of multiple CDNs that allow you to host static assets in multiple locations, ororigins...
We've created this page to help you get started with Fastly's Full-Site Delivery and then explore our other products and services. If you're interested in getting started with Compute, check outour Compute documentation. 1. Create an account ...
Leveraging over 1,700 global edge cloud service nodes, EdgeNext improves user experience by caching and delivering content close to end-users. Fetching conte...
An example might be when your application server delivers an HTML page to the browser or your cloud object store serves an image via the CDN. Another example is when your data is moved to a different regional server within the CDN to make access faster for users in nearby locations. Each ...
Amazon Cloudfront is a Content Delivery Network (CDN) service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). The service is highly scalable, extremely fast, and provides top tier CDN performance. Get answers to the questions most commonly asked about Amazon Cloud
Cache logged in users:Off– only enable if you run a membership site (or similar) and have users logging in that need their own cache, otherwise it requires server resources. Scheduled preload:Never– Gijo says you should only change it when facing problems with the cache where it’s not...
Log on to the Alibaba Cloud CDN console. In the left-side navigation pane, click Domain Names. On the Domain Names page, find the domain name that you want to manage and click Manage in the Actions column. In the left-side navigation tree of the domain name, click Cache. On the Cache...
If you want to transfer a domain name that is added to another service, such as ApsaraVideo Live, to Alibaba Cloud CDN, submit a ticket. Before you begin Make sure that the old and new accounts for the domain name transfer have no overdue payments. Attach the AliyunCDNFullAccess policy...
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