The full repository name can be constructed in the formuser/repo. results[].github.stargazers_countoptionalinteger The number of stars that the repository has on GitHub. results[].github.forksoptionalinteger The number of forks the repository currently has (at time of indexing) on GitHub. ...
Our full set of tests for linting can be run at any time with: npmtest Included in this repository are aneslint config fileas well as asass-lint config fileto help with ensuring a consistent style in the codebase for the JS/Vue and SCSS used in the app. ...
full.en.jscdn.sstatic.net99.6534186.554% gpt.jssecurepubads.g.doubleclick.net21.385250.672% analytics.jsgoogle-analytics.com19.679248.171% quant.jssecure.quantserve.com9.142021.762% beacon.jssb.scorecardresearch.com1.87324.771% 🐌0.3873.41% ...
Today we are happy to announce that BootstrapCDN has officially joined jsDelivr! Here is a list of changes and the improvements we plan to introduce: The BootsrapCDN Github repo has moved under thejsDelivr org. We received full ownership of the domain All previous CDN host...
grant_type=client_credentials' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'</code></p> <p>执行完命令后会得到访问令牌,如下图所示:</p> <p><a href=""><img loading="...
In the future I might get a slower GPU and get a threadripper CPU to do more encoding on the CPU for better quality. There are tons of configurations you can do, this is just a reference of something that worked and has room to grow. You can put it in smaller form factors, use an...
that supports standard HTML form file uploads. fullPage.js version:(3.0.8) 复制结果 Create beautiful fullscreen scrolling websites select2 version:(4.0.12)
这里搜集了常用的JS CDN库,包括jquery、jquery-form、jquery-ciikie、bootstrap等js插件cdn镜像。点击对应的右侧复制按钮可复制相应的链接地址。顶部带有搜索按钮,便于用户搜索查询。提供给需要的朋友查询使用。
目前来说,由于CDN能为用户提供快速和高质量的响应服务,因此比较适合用于网站访问量较大,对网站访问速度要求较高的客户,比方说,大型企业网站,电子商务网站,政府网站,以及视频网站等。 客户做CDN一方面可以大大加快用户端对其网站的访问速度,另一方面也可以对用户流量进行分流减少不必要的带宽损失;同时针对机房一些经常受攻...