kafka-run-class kafka.tools.GetOffsetShell --broker-list hadoop:9092 --topic yourTopic --time -1 (2)查看每个Partition的最早的偏移量 kafka-run-class kafka.tools.GetOffsetShell --broker-list hadoop:9092 --topic yourTopic --time -2 (3)查看consumer组内消费的offset kafka-run-class kafka.tools...
hadoop:x:1007:1007::/home/hadoop:/bin/bash 3.2 设置sudo和NOPASSWD权限 [root@dsx01 pssh]# pssh -h ip.txt "echo 'hadoop ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' >> /etc/sudoers"[1]08:56:17[SUCCESS][2]08:56:17[SUCCESS][3]08:56:17[SUCCESS][4]08:56:17[SUCCESS...
3、缓慢的shuffle和排序 (四)hadoop的配置不当 (五)JAVA代码及JVM调优 一、硬件调优 1、CPU/内存使用情况vmstat、top $ vmstat -S M 5 procs ---memory--- ---swap-- ---io--- --system-- ---cpu--- r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa st 0 0 0 566 232 2...
Use CDH or CDP clusters in DataWorks,DataWorks:Cloudera's Distribution Including Apache Hadoop (CDH) and Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) can be connected to DataWorks. This allows you to register CDH or CDP clusters to DataWorks. This way, you can us...
.hadoop.mapred.ShuffleHandler</value> </property> <property> <name>yarn.log-aggregation-enable</name> <value>true</value> </property> <property> <description>List of directories to store localized files in.</description> <name>yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs</name> <value>/var/lib/hadoop-yarn...
Use CDP or CDH on DataWorks,DataWorks:DataWorks allows you to create nodes such as Hive, MR, Presto, and Impala nodes based on a Cloudera's Distribution Including Apache Hadoop (CDH) or Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) cluster. In the DataWor...
When planning to use Impala complex types, and designing the Impala schema, first learn how this kind of schema differs from traditional table layouts from the relational database and data warehousing fields. Because you might have already encountered complex types in a Hadoop context while using ...
run smoothly in CDH environment requires couple of variables to be set cluster wide. Specifically, HADOOP_HDFS_PREFIX and CLASSPATH. The JNI interface has trouble expanding the asterisk delimited paths, so we need to add the full output of “hadoop classpath –glob” to the CLASSPATH variable...
min.insync.replicas preallocate retention.bytes retention.ms segment.bytes segment.index.bytes segment.jitter.ms segment.ms unclean.leader.election.enable See the Kafka documentationforfull details on the topic configs.It is supported onlyincombination with --createif--bootstrap-server option ...
Minimum Required Role:Configurator(also provided byCluster Administrator,Full Administrator) To configure Hive to run on Spark do both of the following steps: Configure the Hive client to use the Spark execution engine as described inHive Execution Engines. ...