Labels: Apache Hadoop Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) datascience_had Contributor Created on 01-06-2020 02:52 AM - last edited on 01-14-2020 08:07 AM by cjervis I have a simple question, Is CDP (CDH 7.x) open source? when I try to download the cm7 from this URL https:...
Use CDP or CDH on DataWorks,DataWorks:DataWorks allows you to create nodes such as Hive, MR, Presto, and Impala nodes based on a Cloudera's Distribution Including Apache Hadoop (CDH) or Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) cluster. In the DataWor... or using Distcp. I am not sure that both solution are handling properly "data synchronization" (at least the Nifi solution seems not able to handle file delete not sure for Distcp) What...
Use CDH or CDP clusters in DataWorks,DataWorks:Cloudera's Distribution Including Apache Hadoop (CDH) and Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) can be connected to DataWorks. This allows you to register CDH or CDP clusters to DataWorks. This way, you can us...
Component Hadoop Hive HDP 2.6.5.x 2.7.3 1.2.1 2.1.0 (LLAP) Ambari 7.1.x.x 3.1.1 3.1.3000 CLI Removed CDP Private Cloud Base (CM) 3.1.1 3.1.3000 Hive LLAP Hive MR Hive TEZ Oozie Sqoop Flume Pig HBase Phoenix Knox Ranger Ranger KMS Druid Storm Spark available 1.2.1 0.7.0 4.2....
What kinds of databases does the customer data platform integrate with?CDPs are database-agnostic and take an open garden approach to handling data. This means it should be able to function equally well with Hadoop, NoSQL, and traditional data warehouse technologies. ...
from hive_table select owner as Owner, name as Name, qualifiedName as FullNa me 6 Cloudera Runtime Apache Atlas Advanced Search language reference Searches with system attributes In the attribute filter lists, system attributes appear with normal text names. When you use them in advanced searches...
Labels: Apache Hadoop Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) datascience_had Contributor Created on 01-06-2020 02:52 AM - last edited on 01-14-2020 08:07 AM by cjervis I have a simple question, Is CDP (CDH 7.x) open source? when I try to download the cm7 from this URL https:...
Labels: Apache Hadoop Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) datascience_had Contributor Created on 01-06-2020 02:52 AM - last edited on 01-14-2020 08:07 AM by cjervis I have a simple question, Is CDP (CDH 7.x) open source? when I try to download the cm7 from this URL https:...
from hive_table select owner as Owner, name as Name, qualifiedName as FullNa me 6 Cloudera Runtime Apache Atlas Advanced Search language reference Searches with system attributes In the attribute filter lists, system attributes appear with normal text names. When you use them in advanced searches...