表1. CDC关于使用多西环素作为暴露后预防措施预防细菌性STI的建议 Doxy PEP的辅助临床服务 当提供Doxy PEP时,应结合全面性健康方法来实施,包括降低风险咨询、STI筛查和治疗、推荐疫苗接种,以及与HIV PrEP、HIV照护或其他适当服务的联系。接受Doxy PEP...
表1. CDC关于使用多西环素作为暴露后预防措施预防细菌性STI的建议 Doxy PEP的辅助临床服务 当提供Doxy PEP时,应结合全面性健康方法来实施,包括降低风险咨询、STI筛查和治疗、推荐疫苗接种,以及与HIV PrEP、HIV照护或其他适当服务的联系。接受Doxy PEP治疗的个体,应在基线时和此后每3~6个月进行暴露部位的细菌性STI...
An Update on CDC STI Treatment GuidelinesIENTILE, GABRIELLEContemporary OB/GYN
Earlier this week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)published a draft guidancefor the use of doxycycline, a common antibiotic, as a post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) treatment to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in individuals who have had unprotected sex. While ...
Disease treatment(治疗性病等疾病) Drug post-exposure prophylaxis(暴露后药物预防) Drug pre-exposure prophylaxis(暴露前药物预防) Drug Antiretroviral therapy(抗病毒药物治疗) 如何检测艾滋病? 机体免疫功能检查 主要是中度以上细胞免疫缺陷包括:CD4+T淋巴细胞耗竭,外周血...
表5 疥疮、性侵犯受害者STI 更新治疗方案Tab.5 Updated treatment options for scabies, sexually transmitted infections in victims of sexual assault 9 总结 美国CDC 性传播感染诊疗指南从性传播疾病的诊断、治疗、随访、管理等方 面为皮肤性病科医生提供了详尽的临床指导。该指南涵盖内容较多,本文主要 ...
2 These guidelines address STI topics including general prevention, vaccination, appropriate sexual history taking, screening, treatment, and partner therapy.3 Full Text Read More About Guidelines Sexually Transmitted Infections Infectious Diseases
2023 CDC data suggest the STI epidemic may be slowing Transcript for MMWR Telebriefing: Evidence of Recent H5 Bird Flu Infections among Dairy Workers and CDC Guidance Updates Onions served at McDonald's are likely source of E. coli outbreak Lassa Fever Suspected in Death of U.S. Traveler Retu...
"The Telegraph understands that the Department of Health has ordered an investigation into the figures amid concern that the deaths are linked to delays to and deferment of treatment for conditions such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Over the past two months, the number of excess deaths...