研究结果:HIV PrEP队列(n=327)和HIV感染者队列(n=174)细菌性STI的相对风险(RR)均有所降低,包括淋病(RR 0.45,95%CI:0.34~0.65;RR 0.45,95%CI:0.34~0.65)、衣原体(RR 0.12,95%CI:0.05~0.25;RR 0.26,95%CI:0.12~0.57)和梅毒(RR 0.13,95%CI:0.03~0.59;RR 0.23,95%CI:0.04~1.29)。 法国ANRS D...
表1. CDC关于使用多西环素作为暴露后预防措施预防细菌性STI的建议 Doxy PEP的辅助临床服务 当提供Doxy PEP时,应结合全面性健康方法来实施,包括降低风险咨询、STI筛查和治疗、推荐疫苗接种,以及与HIV PrEP、HIV照护或其他适当服务的联系。接受Doxy PEP治疗的个体,应在基线时和此后每3~6个月进行暴露部位的细菌性STI...
These guidelines are supported by findings from an NIH-funded study published in theNew England Journal of Medicineearlier this year, which reported thatdoxycycline PEP reduces STI rates by approximately two-thirds. The open-label randomized clinical trial focused on men who have sex with men (...
2021 CDC STI guidelines: A review of changes: Follow current recommendations for prevention, assessment, and treatmentThomas, PennyAmerican Nurse Journal
sex and sexual pleasure is a problem, too, Griffin adds. “So many people don’t know that they need to tell their providers about the types of sex they are having—you absolutely should,” she says. “The types of sex you are having impact the types of STI screenings you should get...
review a patient’s full list of medications, including over-the-counter drugs, to avoid interactions with doxycycline. The new guidelines also confirm a maximum daily dose of 200 mg, and recommend reassessing a patient’s need for prophylaxis every three to six months, including regular STI ...
The 2021 Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) Treatment Guidelines are here! This universal app works well for both iPhones and iPads (iOS 12+ required). This is the most readable reference with user-defined font sizes for the iPhone, and is completely readable in both landscape and portrait ...
The emergency department (ED) remains at the forefront of the growing sexually transmitted infection (STI) epidemic. Despite being a critical leverage point for STI management, current practices can be incongruent with recent 2021 CDC STI Guidelines. The transitory role of the ED poses challenges ...
Abstract B059: An evidence-based sexual health education program to reduce STI and teen pregnancy rates in Philadelphia Background: Approximately 25% of Philadelphia's sexually transmitted infections (STI) cases are among teens aged 15-19. Furthermore, there are increased rates of teen pregnancy in...