(Santa Ana, CA) – Due to recent increases in COVID-19 case counts, Orange County was moved to "High" community transmission status as of 7/14, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 Community Level Data Tracker.
Both Indian River County and Florida Covid cases are declining, with only 46 cases last week locally, down from 129 right after Christmas; and 8,300 statewide cases, down from more than 17,000 just after Christmas, despite Florida’s population being at its highest right now due to snowbird...
另外,令人担忧的是,近期美国儿童新冠病例激增,美国儿科学会日前发布的最新报告显示,在截至8月26日的一周内,美国约有20.4万名儿童确诊感染新冠病毒,占该周全美报告新冠确诊病例的22.4%。 Siegel DA, Reses HE, Cool AJ, et al. Trends in COVID-19 Cases, Emergency Department Visits, and Hospital Admissions A...
COVID-19 vaccines: What does 95% efficacy actually mean? By Anna Nowogrodzki February 11, 2021 "What the 95% actually means is that vaccinated people had a 95% lower risk of getting COVID-19 compared with the control group participants, who weren't vaccinated. In other words, vaccinated...
“Recommendations are based on CDC’s current knowledge of COVID-19,” the CDC guidance states. “Each [community] should decide the most appropriate indicators to reference when deciding to open, close, or reopen schools.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is...
(You can check the community transmission status of your own county at the CDC COVID Data Tracker website.) In some places, such as New York and California, wearing masks indoors is again mandatory. The CDC says, in its most recent update on the omicron variant, that vaccination is the ...
Dr. Robert Redfield, former Director of the Center for Disease Control (CDC), who held that position during Operation Warp Speed when the Covid vaccines were developed, has recently stated in an interview that it is time to admit some of the dangerous side effects of the mR...
With the COVID-19 pandemic, the Alchemist Microenterprise Academy moved completely online, allowing it to feature notable guest instructors from outside the region. Incubator Program participants are provided the technical assistance they require via Zoom. ...
Solano County issues COVID-19 guidance defying CDC’s guidance Solano County has issued guidance for employees with COVID-19 that is not aligned with the CDC guidance. KTVU - Solano County's health department is issuing new guidelines that conflict with the CDC's guidance about ...
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