Travellers make their way to the gates at Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport, as domestic travel picks up across the United States as the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) case numbers drop, in Detroit, Michigan, U.S. June 12, 2021. REUTERS/Seth Herald/File Photo By David Shepardson WA...
以下是美国疾控中心(CDC)的最新COVID-19报告: 截至9月27日,COVID19病例在26个州呈上升趋势,尤其是在西部和中部地区。 上周,有6个州报告了10,000多例新增病例。更多内容: 美国疾控...
The CDC document is titled: “Interim operational considerations for implementing the shielding approach to prevent COVID-19 infections in humanitarian settings,” updated July 26, 2020. Here are key quotes. As you read them, and realize the horrific plan, keep in mind that this system can be...
New guidance issued by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that Americans who test positive for COVID-19 no longer need to routinely stay home for five days.
可查到郡(County)一级疫情数据的CDC“疫情数据追踪系统” 截图自CDC网站 对CDC而言,60个“美属管辖地”卫生部门报告的数据才是“一手资料”,而自身要做的仅仅是将各地数据进行“汇总”。CDC也心知肚明,因此声称,“若出现CDC 的汇总数据与各卫生部门的数据之间存在差异时,应以卫生部门报告的数据为准”。
截至3月22日,全国预测显示,在截止日为4月17日的那一周,新增COVID-19死亡人数将介于2700至9600之间,这将使美国的预计死亡总数达到55.8万至57.8万之间,更多详情: Latest COVID-19 re...
doi:10.1002/mhw.32993Valerie A. CanadyJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdMental Health Weekly
When COVID-19 hospital admissions reach "high" levelsin a county, the agency still plans to urge residents to don masks and take other precautions to curb a surge. Previous record lows This marks at least the third straight year with record lows around this season. ...
美国疾控中心最新的COVIDView报告显示,与前一周相比, 全国COVID-19检测呈阳性的人数比例有所增加。这个比例在美国卫生与公众服务部10个辖区中的9个呈上升趋势。了解更多信息: 美国疾控中心的新发病率和死亡率周报(MMWR)发现,在美洲印第安...
以下是美国疾控中心(CDC)的最新COVID-19报告: COVID-19确诊病例在美国各地仍居高不下。截至3月9日,共报告28,992,598例。新增病例的7天移动平均数为55,557例,比前一周减少12.2%。更多内容: