(1)对于之前从未接种过脑膜炎球菌疫苗的青少年,在13-15岁接种首剂,16-18岁时一剂加强针(两针间隔时间≥8周);年龄≥16岁接种首剂则无需补种加强针。 (十一)破伤风/白喉/百日咳(Tdap)疫苗 (1)未接受Tdap治疗的青少年13-18岁: 1剂,其后每10年接受一次Td加...
(编者注:具体补种程序请参见:Catch-Up Guidance for Children 4 Months through 6 Years of Age Vaccines: DTap, December 2023 (cdc.gov)和2019-Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis-Containing Vaccines-Catch-up Guidance for Children 4 months through 18 years (cdc.gov)) 孕期女性 每次怀孕期间给予单剂Tda...
(1)对于之前从未接种过脑膜炎球菌疫苗的青少年,在13-15岁接种首剂,16-18岁时一剂加强针(两针间隔时间≥8周);年龄≥16岁接种首剂则无需补种加强针。 (十一)破伤风/白喉/百日咳(Tdap)疫苗 (1)未接受Tdap治疗的青少年13-18岁: 1剂,其后每10年接受一次Td加强免疫; (2)未DTaP完全免疫的7-18岁者: 1剂Tda...
The new HPV vaccine recommendations were just two of the changes the CDC announced. Changes were also made to when mothers should receive the tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis (Tdap) booster that protects infants from pertusiss. According to the 2012 schedule, women should receive the ...
How effective is the new varicella zoster virus vaccine and when should adults receive it? Who should recieve the new Tdap vaccine? The answers to these and other immunization-related questions are addressed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ...
破伤风、白喉和无细胞百日咳(Tdap)的免疫力会随着年龄的增长而减弱,癌症治疗后这种下降可能会加速。140 如果癌症患者成年后没有接种过的话,强烈建议被诊断出癌症的个体接种Tdap疫苗,(见表2)。 Immunity to tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis (Tdap) tends to decrease with age, and this decline may ...
The best way to prevent or minimize the symptoms of whooping cough is to get yourself andyour child vaccinated. The CDCrecommendsthat children get the DTaP vaccine and adolescents and adults get the TDaP vaccine. CNN’s Brenda Goodman contributed to this report....