Recommendations include routine vaccination with the quadrivalent HPV vaccine of all adolescents at age 11-12 years, as well as catch-up vaccination for those aged 13-26 years. National reports show relatively low adolescent vaccination rates: 62.7% for meningococcal conjugate (MenACWY) and 68.7% ...
Tdap vaccine. The majority of children that do not receive co-administration of these vaccines do not ‘catch up’ in the ensuing 2–3 years. Quality measurement and improvement efforts should specifically examine concomitant vaccine administration and support strategies to improve same-day ...
DTaP、Tdap和Td补种疫苗接种建议(按既往疫苗史和年龄划分) DTaP, Tdap, and Td Catch-up Vaccination Recommendations by Prior Vaccine History and Age 本文总结了CDC免疫实践咨询委员会对未接种或落后的儿童、青少年和成人使用DTaP、Tdap和Td的建议。该表包括ACIP建议使用Td或Tdap的10年加强剂。 用于6岁以下婴儿和...
DTaP、Tdap和Td补种疫苗接种建议(按既往疫苗史和年龄划分) DTaP, Tdap, and Td Catch-up Vaccination Recommendations by Prior Vaccine History and Age 本文总结了CDC免疫实践咨询委员会对未接种或落后的儿童、青少年和成人使用DTaP、Tdap和Td的建议。该表包括ACIP建议使用Td或Tdap的10年加强剂。 用于6岁以下婴儿和...
Arthus reaction; type III immune complex mediated reaction; Tdap; tetanus toxoid; reduced diphtheria toxoid and acellular pertussis vaccine adsorbed; adverse event following immunization; VAERS1. Introduction Arthus reaction, named after the French immunologist Maurice Arthus, is currently classified as a ...
Keywords: Arthus reaction; type III immune complex mediated reaction; Tdap; tetanus toxoid; reduced diphtheria toxoid and acellular pertussis vaccine adsorbed; adverse event following immunization; VAERS 1. Introduction Arthus reaction, named after the French immunologist Maurice Arthus, is currently ...