Regulatory activity was observed in CD8+CD122+CD49dlow but not in CD8+CD122+CD49dhigh cells, indicating that the regulatory cells in the CD8+CD122+ population could be narrowed down to CD49dlow cells. CD8+CD122− cells taken from lymphoproliferation (lpr) mice were resistant to...
(c) Expression of Eomes, CD122, CD62L, CxCR3, CD127, Bcl2 (mean fluorescence intensity (MFI)) and Ki67 (%) among CD44 þ CD49dlo and CD44 þ CD49dhi CD8 þ T cells from age-matched WT and IRF9 À / À old mice. For all graphs, each dot represents an individual ...
Despite the increased PD1 levels, an improved PD1+CD28+ T-cell polyfunctionality was observed with the transition from periphery to tumor site, associated with lack of TIGIT, TIM-3 and LAG-3, but not with Ag-experienced-marker CD11a. Differently from CD28+ T cells, the increased PD1 levels...
Anti-mouse CD45.2 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#47-0454-82; RRID: AB_1272175 Anti-mouse CD44 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#17-0441-83; RRID: AB_469391 Anti-mouse CD122 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#46-1222-82; RRID: AB_11064442 Anti-mouse CD62L Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#45-0621-82; RRI...
Fig. 3: TVM cells comprise the majority of the CD44hiCD62Lhi TCM cell population. a Histograms for CD49d expression on CD44hiCD62Lhi CD8+ T cells (TCM cells) from naive young mice, naive aged mice and young mice after infection with LCMV (40 days post infection), with bar graphs ...
(Fig.4a–c) and mice infected percutaneously withS. mansonicercariae 7 weeks before MuHV-4 infection (Fig.4d). Such enhanced CD8+T cell response was associated with increased proportions of CD44hiCD62Lloeffector T cells (Fig.4e). We further observed that effector CD44hiCD62LloCD49dhiCD8...
crossreactive CTL.9,10 Furthermore, there are not only more CD8+ T cells during the immune response to LCMV, but most of them appear to have been activated as they are enlarged, have elevated surface expression of CD11a, CD11b, CD44, CD49d, IL-2R and reduced expression of CD62L.11...
(day 6), virus-specific CD8+ T cells primed during acute versus chronic infection expressed a similar pattern of activation and differentiation markers including CD44, CD25, granzyme B, 1B11, CD62L, CD27, CXCR3, and Ly6C. In contrast to acute infection, however, virus-specific CD8+ T ...
CD8+CD122+CD49dlow regulatory T cells maintain T-cell homeostasis by killing activated T cells via Fas/FasL-mediated cytotoxicity. Akane K, Kojima S, Mak T W, et al.CD8+CD122+CD49dlowregulatory T cells maintain T-cell homeostasis by killing activated T cells via Fas/Fas L-... K ...
BD 553355 Ms CD117 PE 2B8 200ug ¥3,920.00 150 BD 553356 Ms CD117 APC 2B8 100ug ¥4,100.00 150 BD 553359 Ms CD122 NALE TM-Bta1 500ug ¥4,725.00 150 BD 553361 Ms CD122 FITC TM-Bta1 500ug ¥4,425.00 150 BD 553362 Ms CD122 PE TM-Bta1 200ug ¥4,440.00 150 BD 55...