CD4+CD8+ double-positive (DP) T cells, a subset of the T cell population, have been identified in the blood and peripheral lymphoid tissues across various species. They have gained interest due to their involvement in immune disorders, inflammation, and cancer. Although mature DP T cells are...
肿瘤浸润性功能失调CD8+ T细胞通常高表达抑制性受体 (PD-1、LAG3、CTLA-4和TIM3) 水平下降,且无法产生效应细胞因子 (如IFNγ和TNFα) 和细胞毒性分子 (颗粒酶和穿孔素) 。 很多研究表明CD4+T细胞可能通过促使树突状细胞 (DCs) 成熟、可分泌IFNγ消除MHC II类阴性癌细胞或通过分泌IFNγ和TNFα诱导癌细胞衰老...
如果没有这种胆碱能调节,过度活化的CD25+T调节细胞和失调的PD-1+T细胞会抑制HCC的免疫监测。2023年8月28日,加拿大多伦多大学Tak W. Mak团队发现胆碱能T细胞通过支持抗肿瘤免疫反应来抑制癌症的发展,确定了表达胆碱乙酰转移酶(ChAT)的CD4+T细胞亚群,胆碱乙酰转移酶是控制ACh合成的限制性酶,在小鼠肝癌的发展过程中被...
factors TCF1 (T-Cell Factor-1), LEF1 (Lymphoid Enhancer-Binding Factor-1), and SOX4 (SRY (Sex Determining Region-Y) Box-4) act as important regulators of thymocyte development and enhance the expansion of DN thymocytes and their different...
·凯特琳癌症中心的Andrea Schietinger团队在Cancer Cell杂志上发表了文章Intratumoral immune triads are required for immunotherapy-mediated elimination of solid tumors,他们证明肿瘤反应性CD4+和CD8+ T细胞与抗原呈递细胞(APC)一起形成...
同时,CD4+和 CD8+T 细胞上 PD-1 的表达降低,但 T 细胞上 TIM-3 的表达没有变化。研究期间没有出现严重不良反应,HIV 病毒载量保持稳定。 结论:胸腺肽 α1 可以提高 CD4+T 细胞数量和胸腺输出,尽管这一成效更多的是趋势而非明确的治疗终点。更重要的是,它有助于改善免疫老化和减轻免疫系统的疲劳,因此值得...
breast cancer, CD4 +, CD8Lymphocytes are cells circulating between the blood and tissues. It has been stated that a correlation exists between immune infiltrate and breast cancer. These tumours are infiltrated by T cells, B cells, natural killer cells and macrophages. The infiltrating T cells ...
Reinhard H, Yousef S, Luetkens T, et al (2014). Cancer-testis antigen MAGE- C2/CT10 induces spontaneous CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses in multiple myeloma patients. Blood Cancer Journal; 4: e212.Reinhard H, Yousef S, Luetkens T, Fehse B, Berdien B, Kroger N et al (2014) ...
+and CD4+8−cells, but have no mature CD4−8+cells and are defective in CD4−8+cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Our results strongly support earlier evidence that MHC class I molecules are crucial for positive selection of T cell antigen receptor αβ+CD4−8+T cells in the thymus and ...