在C57BL/6小鼠中,记忆T细胞高表达 CD44,这是一种与透明质酸结合的粘附分子,因此可以与具有中等/弱CD44表达的初始T细胞区分开来。 小鼠CD4 + 和 CD8 + T 细胞中可分出以下四个初始/记忆 T 细胞亚群:CD44 int/low CD62L + naïve...
T cell receptor-mediated activation of CD4+CD44hi T cells bypasses Bcl10: an implication of differential NF-kappaB dependence of na?ve and memory T cells during T cell receptor-mediated responses. Zeng Hu,Chen Yuhong,Yu Mei,Xue Liquan,Gao Xiang,Morris Stephan W,Wang Demin,Wen Renren. ...
Easily and efficiently isolate highly purified mouse naïve CD4+ T cells (CD4+CD44lowCD62Lhigh) from mouse splenocytes by immunomagnetic negative selection with the EasySep™ Mouse Naïve CD4+ T Cell Isolation Kit. When using single-cell suspensions from other tissue types, this kit may ...
The MojoSort™ Mouse CD4 Naïve T cell Isolation Kit was used to isolate cells from C57BL/6 mouse spleen. Top: CD4+T cells after isolation. Middle: CD4+ Naïve T cells after isolation, defined by the CD62L (clone: MEL-14) PE and CD44 (clone: IM7) FITC profile. Bottom: cells...
Why Isolate CD4+/CD62L+/CD44lowNaïve T cells? Mouse CD4+T cells develop in the thymus and are released as naïve T cells that also express CD62L and low levels of CD44. These cells differentiate into subsets of specialized effector T lymphocytes in response to distinct environmental ...
然而,仅在第二周,就有80%和60%的InsC-ChgA特异性CD4+T细胞在pLN和SLO处于CD44+活化状态。相反,大部分InsC-IAPP和InsB特异性CD4+T细胞则处于初始状态。是否抗原提呈的差异导致活化的不同?作者将CTV标记的InsC-ChgA特异性BDC-2.5 CD4...
Specialized subpopulations of CD4+ T cells survey major histocompatibility complex class II–peptide complexes to control phagosomal infections, help B cells, regulate tissue homeostasis and repair or perform immune regulation. Memory CD4+ T cells are positioned throughout the body and not only protect...
结果:小鼠脾脏淋巴细胞分离后直接做流式检测,CD3+CD4+ 细胞占 19畅09%,其中 98畅61%的细胞为 CD44+,68畅71%为CD62L+。 体外培养后 CD3+CD4+ 细胞占8畅96%,其中71畅82%为CD44+,11畅27%为CD62L+。 哮喘小鼠脾脏淋巴细胞分离后直接做流式检测,CD3+CD4+ 细胞占 20畅33%,其中 97畅72%的细胞为 CD44...