随着精细针吸取淋巴结或组织活检的日益普及,结合最近开发的细胞因子非依赖的识别病原体特异性记忆CD4+T细胞的方法,有助于更多种类的CD4+记忆亚群的检测。激活诱导标志物(activation-induced marker, AIM)试验利用OX40和CD25在抗原刺激后的上调现象,特别适用于在不知道确切CD4+ T细胞表位的情况下检测记忆CD4+ T细胞。
早期CD69,晚期CD25,晚期还可以看CD3的MFI 这些是主流的CD4 activation marker,看具体用途CD137,DR什...
随着精细针吸取淋巴结或组织活检的日益普及,结合最近开发的细胞因子非依赖的识别病原体特异性记忆CD4+T细胞的方法,有助于更多种类的CD4+记忆亚群的检测。激活诱导标志物(activation-induced marker, AIM)试验利用OX40和CD25在抗原刺激后的上调现象,特别适用于在不知道确切CD4+ T细胞表位的情况下检测记忆CD4+ T细胞。此...
随着精细针吸取淋巴结或组织活检的日益普及,结合最近开发的细胞因子非依赖的识别病原体特异性记忆CD4+T细胞的方法,有助于更多种类的CD4+记忆亚群的检测。激活诱导标志物(activation-induced marker, AIM)试验利用OX40和CD25在抗原刺激后的上调现象,特别适用于在不知道确...
Ramzaoui S,Jouen Beades F,Michot F,et al.Comparison of activation marker and TCR Vβ gene product expression by CD4~+ and CD8~+ T cells in peripheral blood and lymph nodes from HIV-infected patients. Clinical and Experimental Immunology . 1995...
The activation of naïve CD4+ T cells is facilitated by antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Antigen is presented by these cells as part of a complex with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) II molecules. The differentiation of naive T cells into specific lineages depends on a variety of factor...
For example, an early activation marker, CD69, was upregulated at 16 h but downregulated at later time points, whereas expression of IL2RA, a marker of late activation, peaked at 40 h, remaining present at 5 d (Fig. 1c). A population of cells localized at the intermediate point ...
Table 1 Expression of activation markers, adhesion molecules and chemokine receptors in CD4+CD45RO+ Tck cells Full size table Adhesion marker expression was more variable. Firstly, L-selectin (CD62L), a potential marker of central memory cells was upregulated (15-fold) in the day 8 Tck cell...
adaptive T-cell therapies13. Although the paucity of TSCMin peripheral blood limits the possibility of ex vivo studies, TSCMcan evolve from naive T cells following in vitro stimulation with IL-7/IL-1514, activation of Wnt/β-catenin9,15and Notch pathways16, or modulation of mTOR signaling17....
data are provided as a Source Data file.cPC2 reflects transient thymocyte activation. Expression of the activation markerCd69(green) projected onto a map of PC1 versus PC2. Heat maps of key thymocyte activation genes (right) show how markers of thymocyte activation are progressively gained along...