近日,中国医学科学院血液病医院(中国医学科学院血液学研究所)、北京协和医学院和中国科学技术大学附属第一医院研究团队联合在《Leukemia》发表题为“Are haematopoietic stem cell transplants stem cell transplants, is there a threshold dose of CD34-positive cells and how many are needed for rapid posttransplan...
CD34+ selected cells in mismatched stem cell transplantation: a single centre experience of haploidentical peripheral blood stem cell trans- plantation. Bone Marrow Transplant 2000; 25 (Suppl. 2): S9-11.Bunjes D, Duncker C, Wiesneth M et al. CD34+ selected cells in mismatched stem cell ...
CD34是造血干细胞移植(hematopoietic stem cell transplant, HSCT)的临床生物标志物,表达CD34的细胞是临床上造血干细胞移植中供体组织长期再生潜力的主要来源。CD34蛋白的表面表达通常随着细胞的成熟逐渐减弱,并在细胞成熟为终端效应体时消失。基于这种表达模式,CD34在HSCT中评价或选择移植供体组织方面具有核心作用。在过去的...
CD34是一种高度糖基化的细胞表面抗原,优先并广泛地表达于人类及其他哺乳动物造血干/祖细胞(hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells,HSPC)表面,属于唾液粘蛋白家族(Sialomucin)。 随着研究的深入,科研人员发现CD34也标记多种组织的常驻祖细胞,包括血液、基质/纤维/脂肪细胞祖细胞(FAPs)...
stem cells was performed on aCliniMACS device, observing GMP and achieving a median of98.5% purity. The patients received a median of 1.7 ? / 10 6 /kgCD34 ? cells and 2.5 ? / 10 3 /kg CD3 ? T lymphocytes.ResultsHemograms at days ? / 30, ? / 60 and ? / 90, respectively, sho...
Garnier A, Le Bourgeois A, Chevallier P, Béné MC. Impact on outcomes of mixed chimerism of bone marrow CD34+ sorted cells after matched or haploidentical allogeneic stem cell transplantation for myeloid malignancies. Bone Marrow Transpl...
Over the past 3 years we have performed 10 haploidentical peripheral blood stem cell transplants in patients with incurable haematological malignancies and no prospect of a matched unrelated donor within an adequate time period. Conditioning consisted of ATG, TBI, thiotepa, cyclophosphamide and additiona...
Number of viable CD34+ cells reinfused predicts engraftment in autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Presents information on a study which examined the effects of reduced CD34+ cell viability due to cryopreservation on hematopoietic stem cell transplantati... Allan,S D.,Keeney,... - 《...
T cell alloreactivity induced by normal G-CSF-mobilized CD34+ blood cells Bone Marrow Transplant., 21 (1998), pp. 1183-1191 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar 6 F Van Rhee, Y.-Z Jiang, F Vigue, et al. Human G-CSF-mobilized CD34-positive peripheral blood progenitor cells can stimulate...
CD341/CD41a1 cells best predict platelet recovery after autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant. 1998;21: 1217-1222.Feng R, Shimazaki C, Inaba T, Takahashi R, Hirai H, Kikuta T, et al. CD34+/CD41a+ cells best predict platelet recovery after autologous ...