CD206分子,也被称为甘露糖受体(Mannose Receptor,MR)或巨噬细胞甘露糖受体(Macrophage Mannose Receptor,MMR),是C型凝集素超家族中的一员,属于钙依赖性Ⅰ型跨膜蛋白受体。基本属性 分子量:CD206的分子量约为160-220 kDa,这一范围体现了其作为糖蛋白的特性,即含有不同数量的糖链,导致分子量有所差异。...
它是一个内细胞受体家族的第一个成员,该家族成员包括Endo180(CD280)、M型PLA2R和DEC-205(CD205)。CD206分子,也被称为甘露糖受体(Mannose Receptor,MR)或巨噬细胞甘露糖受体(Macrophage Mannose Receptor,MMR),是C型凝集素超家族中的一员,属于钙依赖性Ⅰ型跨膜蛋白受体。 基本属性 分子量:CD206的分子量约为...
有两大类肿瘤相关巨噬细胞(tumor-associated macrophage, TAM):M1和M2。M1巨噬细胞吞噬细菌、病毒和癌细胞,并引起炎症。M2巨噬细胞促进组织从炎症中恢复过来。当M2巨噬细胞无法正常工作时,慢性炎症会导致诸如纤维化之类的疾病。纤维化是因胶原蛋白过度表达而导致的结缔组织沉积。 这些研究人员发现RP-182将M2巨噬细胞...
Macrophage Mannose Receptor Entrez Gene IDs 4360 (Human); 17533 (Mouse); 291327 (Rat) Alternate Names CD206; CLEC13D; CLEC13Dmacrophage mannose receptor 1; C-type lectin domain family 13 member D; mannose receptor, C type 1; MMR; MMRCD206 antigen; MRC1 ...
Description: This MR6F3 antibody recognizes mouse CD206 also known as Macrophage Mannose Receptor (MMR) or Mannose Receptor C, Type 1 (MRC1). CD206 is a 175-kDa, type 1 integral membrane glycoprotein receptor that is present in macrophages, some dendritic cells, as well as liver and lymphoid...
有两大类肿瘤相关巨噬细胞(tumor-associated macrophage, TAM):M1和M2。M1巨噬细胞吞噬细菌、病毒和癌细胞,并引起炎症。M2巨噬细胞促进组织从炎症中恢复过来。当M2巨噬细胞无法正常工作时,慢性炎症会导致诸如纤维化之类的疾病。纤维化是因胶原蛋白过度表达而导致的结缔组织沉积。
Description: This MR6F3 antibody recognizes mouse CD206 also known as Macrophage Mannose Receptor (MMR) or Mannose Receptor C, Type 1 (MRC1). CD206 is a 175-kDa, type 1 integral membrane glycoprotein receptor that is present in macrophages, some dendritic cells, as well as liver and ...
英文名称 :Macrophage mannose receptor 1 中文名称 :巨噬细胞甘露糖受体CD206抗体 别名:Mannose Receptor; Macrophage mannose receptor 1; C-type lectin domain family 13 member D; CD 206; CD206; CD206 antigen; CLEC13D; CLEC13DL; Macrophage mannose receptor 1; Macrophage mannose receptor; Mannose ...
Description: This MR6F3 antibody recognizes mouse CD206 also known as Macrophage Mannose Receptor (MMR) or Mannose Receptor C, Type 1 (MRC1). CD206 is a 175-kDa, type 1 integral membrane glycoprotein receptor that is present in macrophages, some dendritic cells, as well as liver and lymphoid...
流式课堂|巨噬细胞简介及指标选择 原创:Elabscience(武汉伊莱瑞特生物)巨噬细胞简介及指标选择Elabscience® 流式课堂 巨噬细胞(Macrophage, M)是天然免疫系统特化的、存活时间长、具有吞噬作用的细胞。巨噬细胞参与细胞碎片和病原体的识别、吞噬和降解。巨噬细胞还在向T细胞提呈抗原以及诱导其他抗原呈递细胞表达共...