Percentages and absolute numbers of CD14++CD16-, CD14++CD16+ and CD14+CD16++ monocyte subsets in studied subjects.Eva, SchepersErica, HouthuysAnnemieke, DhondtGrim, De MeyerNathalie, NeirynckPascale, BernaertRafael, Van den BerghPeter, Brouckaert...
Firstly, absolute counts of circulating CD14pos/HLA-DRpos/CD45posmonocytes were measured by flow cytometry in 70 patients with Gram-negative sepsis and in 10 healthy volunteers. In the second phase, immunophenotyping w...
The classical CD14++CD16- monocyte counts were higher in NHL patients compared with healthy controls (502.30×109/μl vs. 325.10×109/μl,P<0.01). The ratio of absolute lymphocyte count to absolute monocyte count (ALC/AMC) was decreased in NHL patients compared with healthy controls (1.62 ...
monocytes were identified by the exclusion of CD56-positive cells and CD14 positivity, as well as their characteristic distribution in forward and sideward scatter, to ensure a clean population of monocytes. Subpopulations were defined by their respective expression of CD14 and CD16. Absolute cell nu...