"CD11b(+) Gr1(+) bone marrow cells ameliorate liver fibrosis by producing interleukin-10 in mice." Hepatology 56(5): 1902-1912.Suh YG, Kim JK, Byun JS, Yi HS, Lee YS, Eun HS, Kim SY, Han KH, Lee KS, Duester G, Friedman SL, Jeong WI. CD11b(+) Gr1(+) bone marrow cells ...
答:Gr-1单抗通常认为是粒细胞标记,但实际上,它既可结合Ly-6G也可结合Ly-6C。大多数 Gr1+ CD11b- 细胞是 Ly6C+ LyG-,Ly6C可表达在浆细胞、部分粒细胞和T 细胞(包括记忆 T 细胞)表达。所以Gr1+ CD11b-细胞可能CD8是阳性的,如果补做CD8是阳性的...
We were led to conclude that WBI can significantly decrease the accumulation of CD11b+Gr-1+cells in the spleen, reduce the infiltration of Gr1+CD11b+ cells in the tumor and finally delay the tumor re-growth after irradiation. Elimination of CD11b+ myelomonocytic cells-derived neovasculature by...
Gr1(+)CD11b(+) cells expressed high levels of arginase-1, and IL-17, additional markers of myeloid derived suppressor cells. We then sorted the Gr1(hi) and Gr1(int) populations from M. tuberculosis infected NOS-/- mice and placed the sorted both Gr1(int) populations at different ratios ...
CD11b+ Gr1dim cells were transferred to ZyA-treated SKG mice.MDSCs, Th17 cells, and group 1 and 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILC1s and ILC3s) were increased in the lungs; the proportion of these cells varied with ILD severity. In this process, we found that a unique cell population, CD...
Intriguingly, in isolated cells, CD11b+Gr1highF4/80− and CD11b+Gr1+F4/80+ BMCs expressed more IL-10 after coculturing with activated HSCs, leading to suppressed expression of collagen and -smooth muscle actin in HSCs. Moreover, these effects were either enhanced or abrogated, respectively,...
CDlib+GR1+MDSCSsortedfrom young miceandelderlymice。ResultsCompared with young MDSCs.elderlvMDSCscould evidentlysuppresstheproliferationofTcells(t一8.67,P<0.001), andthisfunctioncouldbereversedbytrans—wellCO—culture(£一6.93,P%0.001).Theresultsofreal— ...
Gr-1(+) cells could be found on the edges of necrotic lung lesions in NOS2-/-, RAG-/-, and C3HeB/FeJ, but were absent in wild-type mice. Both populations of Gr1(+)CD11b(+) cells expressed high levels of arginase-1, and IL-17, additional markers of myeloid derived suppressor ...
Methods: The expression of F4/80, CD11b, Gr1in monocytes from tumor, other tissue and peripheral blood were detected by flow cytometry. Transwell, real-time PCR, western-blot and flow cytometry analysis were used to observe the functional changes of F4/80+CD11b+Gr-1+ cells in tumor ...
EasySep™小鼠MDSC(CD11b+Gr1+)分选试剂盒是一款阴性选择试剂盒,在短短18分钟内即可从幼稚或荷瘤小鼠的骨髓、外周血或脾脏中富集CD11b + Gr1 +细胞。分离细胞可立即用于下游应用,如流式细胞术、细胞分类和细胞培养。 优点: - 快速、简便、无柱; - 细胞未被标记;...