Streutker CJ, Huizinga JD, Campbell F, et al. Loss of CD117 (c-kit)- and CD34-positive ICC and associated CD34-positive fibroblasts defines a subpopulation of chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction. Am J Surg Pathol 2003;27:228 - 35....
Abstract:Objective:TostudytheexpressioofCD117and CD34ofgastrointestinalstromaltumo(GIST)andtheir clinical:Twenty-twocasesofGISTwereinvestigatedwith clinicopatholgicalobservationandimmunohistochemical analysisofCD117,:ThepositiverateofCD117andCD34of thesecaseswere100%and%respectivelyin%casesofGIST originatedinstomach...
CD34arethespecialantibodiesforGISTs,andthehighpositiveexpressionofCD117andCD34playsaveryimpor— tantroleinthediagnosisofGISTs. 【Keywords】gastrointestinalstromaltumors;immunohistochemistry;CD117;CD34 ModemOncology2010,18(03):0509—0510 【摘要】 目的:探讨CD117和CD34在胃肠道间质瘤(GISTs)中的表达及其临床意义。
Staining of normal human peripheral blood cells with Anti-Human CD34 APC (Product # 17-0349-42) and Mouse IgG1 K Isotype Control FITC (Product # 11-4714-42) (left) or Anti-Human CD117 (c-Kit) FITC (right). Cells in the lymphocyte gate were used for analysis.View more...
Staining of normal human peripheral blood cells with the Human Hematopoietic Lineage APC Cocktail (Product # 22-7776-72), Anti-Human CD34 FITC (Product # 11-0349-42) and Mouse IgG1 K Isotype Control PE-Cyanine7 (Product # 25-4714-80) (left) or Anti-Human CD117 (c-kit) PE-Cyanine7...
In a case of choroidal (CM) in a 70-year-old male patient, was firstly aimed at studying the processes of by use of and antibodies. Anti-CD117÷antibodies were further considered for their progenitor cells specificity. Choroidal was histopathologically confirmed. -positive endothelia were found ...
METHODS: These cases were rediagnosed correctly , these tissues were labeled with some antibodies such as CD117, CD34, α-SMA, S-100, and their clinical characteristics were explored. RESULTS: CD117, CD34 were expressed widely in GISTs ,the percentage of positive expression was CD117 (50/56...
目的 探讨一些临床预后指标,并且评估哪一项指标对预测胃肠道间质瘤(GIST)更为有效.方法 对59例手术切除的GIST标本进行CD117、CD34、平滑肌肌动蛋白(SMA)、desmin、S-100、Bcl-2、Ki67抗体免疫组织化学染色检查,同时进行病理形态学检查包括形态学类型、性别、肿瘤大小、坏死、淋巴细胞浸润和核分裂象.所有数据进行单因素...
Among other CD117-positive tumors were intestinal metastatic melanomas (8 of 11) and extraskeletal Ewing's sarcomas (5 of 11), two of which were abdominal. In conclusion, strong CD117 expression defines most primary GI mesenchymal tumors as GISTs, which show different patterns for CD34 and ...
insomeacutelymphoblasticleukemia(ALL1cases:CD34ishighlyexpressed inbothALLandANLL.ThisstudywastoexploretheclinicaIsignificanceof theco—expressionofCD117/CD34inadultpatientswithacuteIeukemia. METHODS:Flowcytometry(FCM)wasusedtodetectthepositiverateand