若要安装CD-HIT,可以通过源码进行安装。首先,从GitHub下载源码包,然后解压到指定目录,即可完成安装。cd cd-hit-v4.6.8-2017-1208makecd cd-hit-auxtoolsmakeecho 'PATH=$PATH:~/software/ cd-hit' >> ~/.bashrcsource ~/.bashrc 方法二:使用编译好的二进制版本安装wget https://github.com/weizhongli...
export PATH=/data/software/cdhit:$PATH source /etc/profile 2.2 使用 输入的文件是fasta格式的序列文件,通过序列比对聚类(Cluster)的方法去除冗除、相似的序列,最后输出一个非冗除(non-redundant,nr)的序列文件。 另外,还有一个序列比对的结果。 其使用也简单,如下: ./cd-hit -i inputfile -o outputfile -...
PARGT: a software tool for predicting antimicrobial resistance in bacteria CD-HIT: accelerated for clustering the next-generation sequencing data . Bioinformatics . 2012; 28 ( 23 ):3150–2. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bts565... AS Chowdhury,DR Call,SL Broschat - 《Scientific Reports》 被引量...
Software and hardware versions CD-HIT-EST v3.1.2 and v4.5.7. USEARCH v5.2.13 (32-bit Linux i86). CPU: Quad-core Xeon X5450 3.0GHz. Command-lines cd-hit-est -i costello.fasta -o costello -c 0.97 -M 0 [-t 4] usearch -cluster costello.fasta -uc costello.uc -id 0.97 References...
Delivering Quality Software from Scratch TL;DR Hit Me, Please! CI/CD Wordshop @ Pronto Pre-requirement GCP Account GitHub Account Docker Hub Account Project วันนี้เราจะทำ Landing page ชื่อ Hit Me! มีฟอร์มกรอก Name, ...
Please note that purchased CDs do not count towards clearing the Part-Time Quest CD collecting Challenge. This DLC will not increase the number of songs available in the Karaoke function of the game. To play songs included in the Majima’s Hit Songs CD
Statistical analyses were performed by using GraphPad Prism (Graph Pad Software, Version 5.02). Results PF4/heparin complexes bind preferentially to peripheral blood B cells On the basis of recent findings showing monocyte uptake of PF4/heparin complexes,11 we asked if other antigen-presenting cells,...
CD-ROM sales hit $202 million.Announces a $202 million sales figure for 1993 reached by sixty-two publishers of CD-ROM titles. Data from the Software Publishers Association; $80 million in sales from non-OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturers) channels during the fourth quarter....
In addition to recording software for use in Windows 3.x, Windows 95, and NT environments, Pinnacle also includes Disc Archive that can store up to 2GB of data using a patent-pending storage method. For Macintosh, the company supplies R-CD Backup, which has most of the capabilities of Dis...
Statistical analysis was performed using GraphPadPrism 9 (GraphPad Software Inc., La Jolla, CA, USA). 3. Results All patients tolerated the injection of contrast media with a short time interval in between well and did not exhibit any side effects. 3.1. Imaging of Target Hit and Effectiveness...