IcePick_D: Error connecting to the target: (Error -503 @ 0x0) The user selected phase-one auto-range frequency failed the scan-path test. The utility or debugger requested the JTAG controller and cable, that generate the JTAG clock, to use a user ...
用的是自己做的板子,操作系统是WIN7x64,CCS9.01,在线调试的时候,程序能下载进去,但一点击运行就报连接失败,然后退出调试,再次点击调试后就出现Error connecting to the target (Error -6305) PRSC module failed to write to a router register.错误。 给板子断电重启,会重复上述过程。 用万用表测量了板子的...
IcePick_D: Error connecting to the target: (Error -503 @ 0x0) The user selected phase-one auto-range frequency failed the scan-path test. The utility or debugger requested the JTAG controller and cable, that generate the JTAG clock, to use a ...
IcePick_D: Error connecting to the target: (Error -503 @ 0x0) The user selected phase-one auto-range frequency failed the scan-path test. The utility or debugger requested the JTAG controller and cable, that generate the JTAG clock, to use a u...
IcePick_D: Error connecting to the target: (Error -503 @ 0x0) The user selected phase-one auto-range frequency failed the scan-path test. The utility or debugger requested the JTAG controller and cable, that generate the JTAG clock, to use a u...