【题目】CCS3.3与2812开发板联不上?Errorconnectingtothetarget:Error 0r00000220/-1166Errorduring: Execution, OCS, Lostprocessorclock. Devicemaybeoperatinginalow-powermode.Doyowwanttobringitoutofthismode? SequenceID0ErrorCode:-1166ErrorClass:0x00000220I/OPort = 240BoardName: F2812 T DS510USBV 3...
CCS4.2安装之后,没法连接到我的开发板(F2812)C28xx: Error connecting to the target: Error 0x80000200/-
如果我尝试使用 XDS510LC (spectrum digital)连接和调试 TMS320F2808板、则会遇到连接问题 "C28xx:Error connecting to the target:error 0x80000202/-1135 Fatal Error during:memory、OCS、 recoverable emulation error"(C28xx:连接到目标时出错:错误0x800202/-1135在内存、OCS、不可恢复仿真错误期...
失败信息: Error connecting to the target: (Error -1144 @ 0x5F) Device core is hung. The debugger attempted to recover debug control, but was unsuccessful. Power-cycle the board. If error persists, confirm configuration and/or try more reliable JTAG settings (e.g. lower TCLK). (Emulation ...
If I try to connect and debug the TMS320F2808 board using XDS510LC(spectrum digital) getting a connection issue "C28xx: Error connecting to the target: Error 0x80000202/-1135 Fatal Error during: Memory, OCS, Unrecoverable emulation error". Please let me know a so...
Error connecting to the target: (Error -151 @ 0x0) One of the FTDI driver functions used during the connect returned bad status or an error. The cause may be one or more of: no XDS100 is plugged in, invalid XDS100 serial number, ...
Error connecting to the target:Error 0x00000220/-1166Error during: Execution, OCS, Lost processor clock. Device may be operatingin a low-power mode. Do you want to bring itout of this mode?Sequence ID: 0Error Code: -1166Error Class: 0x00000220I/O Port = 240Board Name: F2812 TDS510...
Error connecting to the target: (Error -151 @ 0x0) One of the FTDI driver functions used during the connect returned bad status or an error. The cause may one or more of: invalid emulator serial number, blank emulator EEPROM, missing FTDI drivers, faulty USB cable. ...
求教使用CCS5时出现Error connecting to the target 我感觉xds100的仿真器测试,除非很明显的错误才会检测出来,所以一般只能作为参考。 多检查检查硬件问题。用示波器测一下jtag各引脚的... 求教使用CCS5时出现Error connecting to the target 我感觉xds100的仿真器测启肆试,除非很明显的错误才会检测厅橘出来,所以一般...
问题描述: Error connecting to the target: (Error -180 @ 0x0) The controller has detected a target power loss. The user must turn-on or connect the power supply for the target. (Emulation package 5.1.450.0) 解决: 给开发板上电。