Cortex_M4_IPU1_C0: GEL: File: E:\ti\PROCESSOR_SDK_RADAR_03_08_00_00\vision_sdk\binaries_2243ES1.0-TDA3x\apps\tda3xx_evm_bios_radar\sbl\qspi_flash_writer\tda3xx-ar12-booster\qspi_flash_writer_ipu1_0_release.xem4: a data verification error occurred, file load failed. 此外,有...
TM4C123GH6PM不知道为什么编译能过,在Debug的时候老是出现CORTEX_M4_0: GEL: Error while executing OnTargetConnect(): The reset System Reset does not exist at GEL_AdvancedReset("System Reset") [tm4c123gh6pm.gel:25] at OnTargetConnect() . CORTEX_M4_0: GEL: Encounter...
load program error ccs v6 user4313563 Prodigy 130 points hi It it an error when i debug an example file in ccs. It is the error file , Look forward to a good guy helping me! thanks ! 9 年多前 Ki 9 年多前 TI__Guru*** 440141 points Hello, The infa...
I have setup "target configuration" and successfully connected with target but when I load any program I found following error messages regarding breakpoints. I do not have single breakpoint in my code. Please help me to resolve this issue. ...
你是emulator还是simulator?emulator的话要有仿真器和开发板,将程序通过仿真器下载到开发板上运行,没连开发板就会出现loadprogram显示灰色 不能点击 。
CCS编译器load program为灰色 首先看你用的是emulator还是simulator? emulator的话要有仿真器和开发板,将程序通过仿真器下载到开发板上运行,没连开发板就会出现loadprogram显示灰色 不能点击 。 如果是emulator,仿真器是否安装正确?在仿真器分别连接了开发板和电脑,并上电后,在CCS开发环境中是否点击了Debug菜单下的...
大概是库文件没添加对。小端模式的库是rts6400,csl6416.大端则为rts6400e,csl6416e.还有在CCS中的program菜单下的build options中也得把端模式设为little endian。
1. 开发板是我们打的,之前用的是DM6467(729 MHz)芯片,能做4路H264编码,后面想提高板子性能,换成DM6467T(1G Hz)的芯片。 板子重新焊接后,开发板外围硬件也做了些修改: (1). 修改核心芯片晶振,将原来27M晶振(6467)换成33.330M晶振(6467T) (2). 电源模块电阻,将原来提供1.2v电压改成提供1.3v 6467T电压...