As Cx3cr1 is expressed in microglia and Ccr2 is reportedly expressed in activated macrophages, these mice have the potential to distinguish microglia and macrophages, yielding novel information about the activation of these inflammatory cells and their individual roles in retinal inflammation.In this ...
通过抑制CX3CL1-CX3CR1轴,研究人员成功地抑制了PF4+巨噬细胞的这些效应,从而重新激活了细胞毒性CXCR6+ CD8+ T细胞,并增强了肿瘤对抗CD276治疗的敏感性。 ③ 此外,研究还进一步揭示了ITGB6在肿瘤耐药中的另一重要作用。他们发现,通过抑制ITGB6,可以恢复那些原本对PD1抗体治疗无应答的小鼠的敏感性。这一发现不仅...
结论脊髓CCR2受体可通过调控CX3CR1受体的表达参与大鼠骨癌痛且这种调控作用可能是通过pJNK通路介导参与的. 目的观察鞘内注射JNK抑制剂SP600125后,骨癌痛大鼠机械痛觉超敏及脊髓背角CX3CR1和MCP-1的表达变化. 方法将Walker256乳腺癌细胞注入大鼠左侧胫骨的骨髓腔内,构建骨癌痛模型.健康雌性未交配SD大鼠50只,体重150...
There are comments on PubPeer for publication: CX3CR1 But Not CCR2 Expression Is Required for the Development of Autoimmune Peripheral Neuropathy in Mice (2021)
Human intestinal Mϕ (CD45+HLA-DR+CD14+CD64+) can be divided into subsets based on the expression of CD11c, CCR2 and CX3CR1. Monocyte-like cells can be identified as CD11chighCCR2+CX3CR1+ cells, a phenotype also shared by circulating CD14+ monocytes. On the contrary, their Mϕ...
The chemokine receptors CX3CR1 and CCR2 have been implicated in the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The evidence is mainly derived from experimental cell studies and murine models of AMD. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between expression of CX...
CX3CR1 is needed for maintaining circulating monocyte and CD8 + T cell survival. While migration of a significant number of activated CD8 + T cells to peripheral nerves is essential in autoimmune response in nerve, recruitment of monocytes into PNS seems optional. Disease onset is independent of...
Additional file 1: Fig. S2A reveals the top differentially expressed (DE) genes in the different cell clusters between the two mice models. Enrichment analysis of the DE genes revealed significant differences in macrophage markers (Lyz2, Rac2), chemokine signalling pathway (Lyn, Cx3cr1, Ccl3,...
At least three chemokine receptors (CXCR2, CCR2 and CX3CR1) have been implicated in playing a proinflammatory role in atherosclerosis in susceptible animal models such as LDLR or apo-E deficient mice. Genetic targeting of these receptors has resulted in less atherosclerosis in susceptible mouse ...
Our objective was to explore the individual and combined actions of CCL2/CCR2 and CX3CL1/CX3CR1 in hypoxia-induced PH in mice; particularly their roles in monocyte trafficking, macrophage polarization, and pulmonary vascular remodeling. The development of hypoxia-induced PH was associated with ...