ENSMUSG00000032532 Pubmed Cck 人类同源基因 CCK 品系描述 敲除Cck基因exon 2-3,建立Cck基因敲除小鼠模型。 *使用本品系发表的文献需注明: Cck-KO mice (Cat. NO. NM-KO-2105365) were purchased from Shanghai Model Organisms Center, Inc.. 你也可能感兴趣...
Q. CCK-ires-cre和CCK-/-小鼠视觉刺激后的基线fEPSP斜率。 四、 麻醉过程中高频刺激诱导的LFP导致行为改变 研究人员在配对前预处理小鼠3天,然后比较配对前后对视觉刺激的行为反应。CCK-ires-Cre小鼠在高频视觉刺激/电刺激听觉皮层配对后对视觉刺激的冷冻反应显著增加,但在低频视觉刺激/电刺激听觉皮层配对后没有增加。
In order to determine whether TrkB signalling regulates HPA axis activity at the per- ipheral or central level, we examined Cre-mediated YFP expres- sion in the anterior pituitary and adrenals of BAC-Cck-Cre mice crossed to the R26R-YFP reporter line. Trkb is known to be expressed in ...
CCK - Cre:Ccktm1.1(cre)Zjh/J(杰克逊实验室品系编号012706,MGI编号5014096)通过将杂合小鼠与BL/6J小鼠回交来维持,以避免CCK表达的功能性敲低。PV × Sncg:杂合Sncg - Flp小鼠与纯合PV - Cre(129P2 - Pvalbtm1(cre)Arbr/J,杰克逊实验室品系编号008069,MGI编号3590684)小鼠杂交。单转基因PV - Cre小鼠为纯合...
Using Cre-loxP system, we generated heterozygote (HET) Na v 1.8CreAno2 fl/WT mice. The endogenous Scn10a promoter drives Cre expression ( Na v 1.8Cre ) selectively in sensory neurons of the nodose, dorsal root and trigeminal ganglia where loxP sites flanked Ano2 exon 12. The male HET ...
AIM: To investigate the inhibitory effects of a synthetic CRE-transcription factor decoy oligodeoxynucleotide (CRE-decoy ODN) on the upregulation of the expression of cholecystokinin (CCK) and fosB mRNA induced by ...
To investigate the contribution of Cck2r+ progenitor cells to the increase of Hdc-GFP+ cells after hypergastrinemia, we generated Cck2r-CreERT2;tdTomato;Hdc-GFP mice and treated them with PPI. Although at 1 week we did not observe differences in the number of tdTomato+Hdc-GFP+ cells be...
We took advantage of GFAP-cre mice to specifically express ChR2-mCherry in astrocytes in the hippocampal CA1 area. Anti-RFP antibody was used to highlight the area of ChR2 expression (Supplementary Fig. 1a,b). Immunostaining showed that ChR2-mCherry co-localized with the astrocyte-specific ...
(4)转录因子,如CRE.BPl等, 提示CCK8在神经元的信号传递方式不是单一的,涉及到多种不同信 号途径【6】。 表皮生长因子受体(epidermalgrowth factor receptor,EGFR)是一种 膜表面受体,由1186个氨基酸构成的单链跨膜糖蛋白,其分子量约 为170KD,它也是第一个被发现并克隆的受体酪氨酸激酶(receptor ...
一 一 一一 一 一 - 一 分目~一一一 ‘一 14 英文摘要 Results:(1)After48hofinjection,themortalityrateofcontrolgroupand CCK-8groupmicewas0(0/20).ThemortalityrateofLPSgroupmicewas 70% (14/20,P0.007vscontrolgroup).ThemortalityrateofLPS+CCK-8 groupmicewas10%(2/20,P0.007vsLPSgroup).(2)The...