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SONY,索尼索尼 CCD-TR100 TR600摄像机 使用说明书.pdf,SONY,索尼索尼CCD-TR100TR600摄像机使用说明书用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册3.798-655-23 (1 SO 〇 ITY. Viaqeo Carmera Recoracer 上 ii 酉 Operation Manual Betore operating the unit, Please read t
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404Kb/28PFull Frame CCD Image Sensor April, 2015 ??Rev. 2 More results 类似说明 - KAF-8300-AXC-CB-AA 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 ON SemiconductorKAF-31600 1Mb/30PFULL FRAME CCD IMAGE SENSOR REVISION 1.1 KAF-16200 375Kb/22PFull Frame CCD Image Sensor ...
From the public space to the private retreat, it is a journey of return, allowing one to attend to the various needs of the heart amidst the dazzling urban landscape. 海鸥丽晶酒店的套房,更是对海派豪门风尚和生活腔调的品味延承,老上海风情百叶窗、流线型圆角沙发、花漾吊灯、精巧纹饰……尽数镌刻岁...
Allow enough time for the sensor to return to normal operating temperature. x Run a series of full area readouts with short integration time. This will flush most trapped charges from the sensor. For most cases, normal operation can be resumed at this point. x For those cases where ...
return self.thisptr.getObjectType() def getNodeType(self): return self.thisptr.getNodeType() def getTranslation(self): return vec3f_to_tuple(self.thisptr.getTranslation()) def getQuatRotation(self): cdef defs.Quaternion3f quat = self.thisptr.getQuatRotation() return c_to_python_quaternion(...
RETURN ENDIF uname=WIDGET_INFO(ev.id,/uname) CASEunameOF ;选择ccd目录 'bt_ccddir' :BEGIN CCDPATH=DIALOG_PICKFILE(Title='Select CCD Directory:',/directory,path=pstate.Path,get_path=path) WIDGET_CONTROL,pstate.text_ccd,set_value=CCDPATH ...
Time-Resolved X-ray Diffraction Evolution of atomic and molecular structure In recent years a new method has been developed to study the time evolution of atomic and molecular structure on the time scale of 1... Three-dimensional phase-sensitive X-Ray imaging of fatigue damaged carbon-fiber-rein...
Returning to FIG. 6, a determination is made at block608as to whether or not the method is to return to block604. In one embodiment in accordance with the invention, only one reset-shift-reset operation is performed. Other embodiments in accordance with the invention can perform two or more...