time_macros,include_file_mtime,include_file_ctime,file_stat_matches # 指定日志文件路径到桌面,等下排查集成问题有用,集成成功后删除,否则很占磁盘空间 export CCACHE_LOGFILE=~/Desktop/CCache.log exec ccache /usr/bin/clang "$
可跟 GitHub 的 API 互动。...ccache ccache 是个编译器的缓存工具,可以有效地加速编译的过程,同时支持 gcc/clang 等编译器。...所以只要在容器环境中对 ccache 做些配置即可,比如在 ccache.conf 中配置其最大缓存容量为 1 G,超出后自动替换较旧缓存。...max_size = 1.0G ccache.conf 配置文件最好放置在...
源是硬编码的预先构建的clang使用ccache。我安装了ccache并将这些变量添加到bashrc中:_CCACHE_EXEC -M 50G在构建过程中,chmod和chown的~/..ccache有相同的结果,实际错误是:ccache:错误:未能创建目录/home/brandon需用/. 浏览17提问于2020-05-20得票数3 ...
clang-scan-deps has just landed the support for discovering dependencies for named modules. The manual can be found here: https://clang.llvm.org/docs/StandardCPlusPlusModules.html#discover-dependencies. It would be pretty cool if ccache could support named modules. 👍 3 ...
{ccache_command}") set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER "${ccache_command}" CACHE FILEPATH "") set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER "${ccache_command}" CACHE FILEPATH "") else() message(STATUS "Not found: ccache. Install it and put it into the PATH if you want to speed up partial builds.")...
(), theCMAKE_C_COMPILERandCMAKE_CXX_COMPILERvariables would not yet be set. Since Xcode can supply multiple toolchains, SDKs, etc., we should not simply assumeclangcan be found on the path, or indeed that the developer wants to useclangrather thangccor some other compiler. The above ...
sccache includes support for caching the compilation of C/C++ code, Rust, as well as NVIDIA's CUDA using nvcc, and clang. sccache also provides icecream-style distributed compilation (automatic packaging of local toolchains) for all supported compilers (including Rust). The distributed compilation ...
Thanks for bringing that up. It might indeed be the case that sole* thing required is to haveclproduce individualpdbs. I'm not sold on that just yet, but on the other hand now that you posted and I've given it some thought I can't really say I understand the precise reason for us...
If the user opts in, then the build system searches for ccache and gives a fatal error if it is not found, or if the compiler is not supported. The wrappers used by clang-tidy and clang-analyzer do not work with ccache, so those configurations issue a fatal error if ccache is enabled...