[OHOS ERROR] clang not found, install it please,(1)首先要确定自己是否按照官网下载了llvm(2)一般Ubuntu都会自带llvm和clang,所以我们要更改系统指定llvm和clang的版本。llvm一定要制定官网下载的,clang要制定llvm里bin目录下的clang
使用code为1.1.0版本。llvm和clang都有安装 .bashrc文件下也配置了gn、ninja、和llvm/bin的环境变量。
用的是ubuntu 20.04 hb build的时候出现这个报错,在命令行敲clang -v是有这个应用在的 ...
:Symbol not found:(_OBJC_CLASS_$_SimDiskImage)Referenced from:'/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/PlugIns/IDESimulatorAvailability.ideplugin/Contents/MacOS/IDESimulatorAvailability'Expectedin:'/Library/Developer/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSimulator.framework/Versions/A/CoreSimulator',NSBundlePath=/Applications/Xcode.a...
HI, I tried to install the clang_complete on my machine(ubuntu 11.10), at the beginning I ran into the problem "libclang not found". I found that there was no libclang.so existing on my computer. so I just download the libclang.so, at the same time I installed llvm, then I put...
Checklist This is not a security-related bug/issue. If it is, please follow please follow the security policy. This is not a question or a support request. If you have any lotus related questions, please ask in the lotus forum. This is n...
Hi, When I compile using version V5.06 update 6 (build 750) I do not have any problems. Everything works very well. With version 5.24a of uVision, I could compile
(the exact warnings# depend on your compiler). Please consult the documentation of the# deprecated API in order to know how to port your code away from it.DEFINES += QT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS # You can also make your code fail to compileifyou use deprecated APIs. # In order todo...
In addition, I noticed that you said that the latest version of VS Buildtool is 17.4.10. After my investigation, I found that the latest release version is 17.7.0. If it is possible, could you please try it in 17.7.0, whether this is the problem Will it still appear?
When empty, any found .clang-tidy files will be used. C_Cpp.codeAnalysis.clangTidy.fallbackConfig String Null (empty) Specifies a clang-tidy configuration in YAML/JSON format to be used as a fallback when C_Cpp › Code Analysis › Clang Tidy: Config is not set and no .clang-tidy ...