No response cc_shared_libraryis to list it in thedynamic_depsof acc_testordeps The way to depend on acc_shared_libraryis to list it in theof aor. It will then be used instead of the Just depend on thedepsthat make up thecc_shared_libraryinstead. Anycc_binarythat depends on yourcc_...
Solved: I´m sharing my CC libraries with my colleagues, they´re able to edit and such, but they can´t view the shared library in the app, it says "only - 14195320
If some cc_test or cc_binary targets consume a library by declaring a dependency on a cc_shared_library whereas some do not, this causes the C++ files in these libraries to be compiled multiple times. I would expect this mixed way of consuming the library to only cause extra linking, but...
LOCAL_CFLAGS := -Wall -Wno-unused-parameter -Werror LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libbase libcutils libminijail libpackagelistparser LOCAL_SANITIZE := integer include $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE) 这是一个编译二进制可执行文件的小模块,内容非常简单。 通过执行androidmk > Android.bp,可以转换成Android.bp...
所包含API列表: os.uname: 获取详细的系统信息 os.rename: 文件重命名 os.remove:...
所包含API列表: os.uname: 获取详细的系统信息 os.rename: 文件重命名 os.remove:...
Solved: I have an Adobe CC library that is showing as shared with my organization as I believe we have a CC teams account. I want to make sure that this - 13809961
This library provides data structures and algorithms for working with 3D point cloud data. It was originally part of theCloudCompare repository(as "CCLib"). We have separated it into its own repository because it is useful on its own without having to download the entire CloudCompare repository....
这个错误指出在 product_copy_files 中发现了 ELF (Executable and Linkable Format) 格式的预编译文件,但系统建议使用 cc_prebuilt_binary 或cc_prebuilt_library_shared 来引入这些文件。 ELF 文件通常是可执行文件或共享库,它们需要按照 Android 构建系统的特定规则进行声明和引入。 查找问题代码: 在项目的构建脚... ►shared_library.h ►test ►utility ►class_loader.h ►class_loader_manager.h ►class_loader_register_macro.h ►common ►component ►conf ►context ►croutine ►data docs ►doxy-docs ►event ►examples ►io ...