规则//tensorflow/core的属性:framework_lib:‘././cc_library/nsync/public’解析为“cc_library/nsync/public”,而不是位于其包'tensorflow/core‘的相对路径之下。这将是未来的一个错误。/BUILD:263:1:_ C++ _archive//:js_embed 浏览0提问于2017-08-30得票数 0 1回答 bazel中的“未声明的包含”,...
高度可配置:Bazel CC_LIBRARY允许用户根据项目需求对其进行配置,以满足不同的构建需求。这使得Bazel CC_LIBRARY在构建各种类型的应用程序时表现出色。 跨平台:Bazel CC_LIBRARY支持多种编程语言和平台,如C++、Python、Java等。这使得用户可以轻松地为不同平台构建应用程序。 高效:Bazel CC_LIBRARY提供了多种编译工具,如...
在BUILD文件中定义cc_library规则:在BUILD文件中使用cc_library规则来定义C++库。指定库的名称、源文件、依赖项等信息。 代码语言:txt 复制 cc_library( name = "my_library", srcs = ["file1.cc", "file2.cc"], hdrs = ["file1.h", "file2.h"], deps = ["//path/to/dependency"], ) 指定输...
cc_library( name = "empty", srcs = ["empty.c"], linkstatic = 1, ) empty.c is an empty file. Note that there are additional warnings if the entire library has no symbols. Those warnings don't affect rules_go, but they should probably be suppressed, too. ...
as title, cc_shared_library current is too limited Which category does this issue belong to? No response What underlying problem are you trying to solve with this feature? No response Which operating system are you running Bazel on? No response ...
cc_library_headers { name: "my_header_lib", sdk_version: "current", export_include_dirs: ["include"], bazel_module: { bp2build_available: true }, } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 在上述代码中,我们设置了 export_include_dirs 属性为包含头文件的目录。你需要将其替换为你自己的头文件目录。
cc_library_headers { name: "my_headers", export_include_dirs: ["include"], local_include_dirs: ["my_headers"], } // Android.bp文件结束 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 这段代码的作用是定义了一个名为my_headers的cc_library_headers模块,并指定了需要导出的头文件目录为include,本地头文件目录为...
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当前标签:cc_library 工具Bazel happyyoung 2020-05-13 14:57阅读:449评论:0推荐:0编辑 公告 昵称:happyyoung 园龄:12年6个月 粉丝:2 关注:0 +加关注 <2024年11月> 日一二三四五六 272829303112 3456789 10111213141516 17181920212223 24252627282930 1234567...