The CC-NB-LRR-type Rdg2a resistance gene evolved through recombination and confers immunity to the seed-borne barley leaf stripe pathogen in the absence of hypersensitive cell death. Biselli C,Bulgarelli D,Collins NC,Schulze-Lefert P,Stanca AM,Cattivelli L,Val猫G. Advance in Barley Sciences ....
Map-based cloning revealed an amino acid substitution in the NB-ARC domain of a typical CC-NB-LRR-type protein. Our results indicated that, in addition to the mechanism of defense response common to both roots and shoots, a novel pathway may also exist in rice roots, which is not ...
与TLRS蛋白不同,CLRS变异性更大,具有额外保守性较低的结构域,拟南芥RPW8和ADR1和烟草NRG1都因其特殊的CC结构域而被归为CCR-NB-LRR的一个分支。 Sw-5b具有额外氨基端结构域,属于SD-CNL的一类,在Sw-5b介导的防御反应中,NTD和CC结构域对于NB-LRR的功能都必不可少,此外一些CLRS蛋白不仅CC结构域变异较大,NBS结...
1.及时,准确处理好工厂生产过程中所发生的质量问题和交期问题,迅速作出应急处理并向公司反映 2、负责订单产品检查和跟踪,根据公司质量要求进行过程和最终产品检验; 3、协助采购经理跟进产品生产进度以及工厂沟通,负责产品的全部生产进度流程和质量管理,能独立处理和解决所负责的工作内容 4.严格按照公司标准,全程跟踪跟进产...
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The CC-NB-LRR-type Rdg2a resistance gene confers immunity to the seed-borne barley leaf stripe pathogen in the absence of hypersensitive cell death. PloS One. 2010;5(9):e12599.The CC-NB-LRR-type Rdg2a resistance gene confers immunity to the seed-borne barley leaf stripe pathogen in the ...
Nucleotide‐binding site, leucine‐rich repeat (NB㎜RR) resistance proteins are critical for plant resistance to pathogens; however, their mechanism of activation and signal transduction are still not well understood. We identified a mutation in an as yet uncharacterized rice coiledヽoil (CC)㎞B㎜...
2017. A harpin elicitor induces the expression of a coiled-coil nucleotide binding leucine rich repeat (CC-NB-LRR) defense signaling gene and others functioning during defense to parasitic nematodes. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 121:161-175. Anderson NG, Maller JL, Tonks NK, Sturgill TW. ...
Semi-dominant mutations in the CC-NB-LRR-type R gene, NLS1, lead to constitutive activation of defense responses in rice. J Tang,X Zhu,Y Wang,L Liu,B Xu,F Li,J Fang,C Chu. Plant Journal The . 2011Tang, J., Zhu, X., Wang, Y., Liu, L., Xu, B., Li, F., Fang, J.,...