2008. Transcomplementation, but not physical association of the CC-NB-ARC and LRR domains of tomato R protein Mi-1A2 is altered by mutations in the ARC2 subdomain. Molecular Plant 1: 401-410.van Ooijen G, Mayr G, Albrecht M, Cornelissen BJC, Takken FLW. Transcomplementation, but not ...
在没有参考文献进行比较的情况下,可以通过 Tomtom 将 Motif 与已知 Motif 进行比对,预测 Motif 的功能。 观察MEME 的 Motif Logo 发现,各类 NB-ARC 中挖掘到的包含相同核心氨基酸的 Motif 长短不一,并且核心氨基酸在 Motif 中的位置也不固定。下面三幅 Motif Logo 分别是 RX-CC、TIR、RPW8 的 P-loop Logo。
Map-based cloning revealed an amino acid substitution in the NB-ARC domain of a typical CC-NB-LRR-type protein. Our results indicated that, in addition to the mechanism of defense response common to both roots and shoots, a novel pathway may also exist in rice roots, which is not ...
Map-based cloning revealed an amino acid substitution in the NB-ARC domain of a typical CC-NB-LRR-type protein. Our results indicated that, in addition to the mechanism of defense response common to both roots and shoots, a novel pathway may also exist in rice roots, which is not ...
因其氨基端结构的不同,NLRS可分为两大类:第一类是TIR-NB-LRR,其氨基端与果蝇蛋白和哺乳动物白细胞介素1受体具有同源性;另一类是氨基端具有保守螺旋结构域,称为CLRs。 TLRS蛋白目前在单子叶植物中没有报道,因而认为其出现可能是在单双子叶纲分化之后,现有的研究发现有的TLR蛋白氨基端会整合一个多余的集成域,该...