worksheet Cognitive Restructuring: Socratic Questions The term cognitive restructuring refers to the process of challenging, and changing, irrational thoughts. Socratic questioning is one technique to encourage this process. Therapists use Socratic questioning verbally by asking probing questions about their cl...
Common intrusive thoughts worksheet.Thoughts, images, or urges which ‘pop’ involuntarily into our minds are called ‘intrusive’. We all have them, some of them are nice, and some of them might not be so nice. We might share the ones that are nice with other people – if you have th...
Thoughts Thoughts refer to the ways that we make sense of situations. Thoughts can take a number of forms, including verbal forms such as words, sentences, and explicit ideas, as well as non-verbal forms such as mental images. Thoughts are the running commentary we hear in our minds through...
We have a worksheet that canhelp clients challenge their distortions in thinkingand one forcognitive restructuring. This can also be accomplished through the therapist-client dialogue. The goal, of course, is to help the client learn to do this on their own.1 Here are five ‘thought challenges...
Participants will gain familiarity with the use of the Wise Mind Worksheet to work through destructive emotional states, thoughts, and impulses to facilitate constructive problem-solving and life-enhancing coping responses. Participants will gain familiarity with the structure and use of a “Game Plan”...
pretty smart. So does Walter The Therapist. Burns’ book includes a bunch of other vignettes about high-powered lawyers, graduate students, et cetera. They all find his suggestions of “Well, have you considered that your irrational negative thoughts might not be rational?” super life-changing...