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AI的实例包括(但不限于)阿那曲唑 (anastrozole)、来曲唑(letrozole)、依西美坦(exemestane)、伏氯唑(vorozole)、福美坦 (formestane)和法曲唑(fadrozole)。在一个方面中,提供式I化合物或其医药上可接受的 盐和选自以下的额外治疗剂:氟维司群、RAD‑1901、GDC‑0927、GDC‑0810、AZD‑9496、OP‑ ...
CBP_Form_19pdf 11. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON TO WHOM ANY NOTICE OF APPROVAL OR DENIAL SHOULD BE SENT 1. PROTEST NO.(Supplied by CBP)PROTEST Pursuant to Sections 514 & 514(a), Tariff Act of 1930 as amended, 19 CFR Part 174 et. seq.2. DATE RECEIVED (CBP Use Only)SECTION ...
Four genes including AGP5, At5g52760, CML46 and CML47 that form a small cluster with SARD1 and ICS1 were identified as candidate target genes of SARD1 and CBP60g. These genes are also identified as binding targets of SARD1 in our ChIP-seq data (Supplementary Data 1). EDS1 and PAD4...
Since R-loops form by RNA that base pairs with cDNA, we considered the possibility that the function of Pol II at PREs is to produce RNA that forms R-loops to stabilize PcG proteins. We used an antibody, S9.6, that recognizes R-loops and performed DNA-RNA immunoprecipitation (DRIP-qPCR)...
Although it is common sense that secreted ligands for NK cell receptors generally impair NK cell function, the shed soluble form of MULT1 actually enhanced NK cell activity and caused tumor rejection.24 This is conclusive with our own data indicating an activating role of secreted BAG6, a ...
CBP Form 6059B English (Fillable)_0
Seller. Name and address of the last known entity by whom the goods are sold or agreed to be sold. If the goods are to be imported otherwise than in pursuance of a purchase, the name and address of the owner of the goods must be provided. A widely recognized commercially accepted ...