CBF-CLF-HelperMatlab Interface 是一种用于控制障碍函数(CBF)和控制李亚普诺夫函数(CLF)的接口工具,可以在Matlab环境中方便地实现。CBF-CLF-HelperMatlab Interface 提供了一系列函数和工具,用于设计和分析基于CBF和CLF的控制器,这些控制器可用于稳定非线性动态系统并确保约束条件的满足。该工具包可用于开发安全控制系统...
CBF-CLF-Helper Matlab Interface for Control Barrier Function (CBF) and Control Lyapunov Function (CLF) based control methods. The library is designed to let users easily implement safety controller based on CBFs and CLFs with Matlab. We provide: An easy interface for construction and simulation of...
CBF-CLF-Helper Matlab Interface for Control Barrier Function (CBF) and Control Lyapunov Function (CLF) based control methods. The library is designed to let users easily implement safety controller based on CBFs and CLFs with Matlab. We provide: An easy interface for construction and simulation of...
Matlab Interface for Control Barrier Function (CBF) and Control Lyapunov Function (CLF) based control methods. - IntrovertInDisguise/CBF-CLF-Helper