您好亲,本田cb1000大黄蜂是日本本土生产的,泰产的本田车基本都是600一下排量的。2011 Honda CBR1000R规格表:引擎形式:水冷四冲程并列4汽缸OHC 16气阀。长x阔x高:2,075mm x 825mm x 1,130mm。轴距:1,410mm,前倾角:23.30°。拖曳矩:96.2mm,离地座高:825mm车底离地距:130mm,净重...
摩托范,本田DREAMWING摩托车品牌 CB1000R报价车型图片,全部在售有2021款,2020款(停售),2016款(停售),2015款(停售),2014款(停售),2012款(停售),2011款(停售)本田DREAMWING摩托车车型
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For Honda CB1000R 2011-2017 For Honda CBR1000RR 2006-2019 Please make sure it is fit for your motorcycle before buying Note: 1.We are providing wholesale,If you are looking for wholesale prices, Please contact us to get lowest possible price. ...
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2011 Honda CB1000R Features and Benefits Superbike Power. The new CB1000R is built around a superbike-strong 998cc DOHC inline four engine. Basically, we took a CBR1000RR powerplant and retuned it to deliver a bare-knuckle blast of power that’s perfect for street riding, with plenty ...