she says. due to this mix of factors, lying down after eating might make you feel like a sentient gas bubble who has to try a little harder than usual to burp or fart. when is gassiness after a meal a reason to worry? although most cases of post-meal gas are completely normal, dr...
One majorcauseof this problem is the confusion over food expiration labels, which are currently not regulated by the government. 2017年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section A Other researchers say too much protein cancausecramps, headaches, and fatigue. ...
A recent study led byUSCresearchers, which observed rats on a high-fat and sugary diet, suggests that consuming a lot of junk food during teenage years might have long-lasting effects on memory function. “What we see not just in this paper, but in some of our other recent work, is th...
What Causes Bloating Shortly After Eating? Bloating in the upper abdomen appearingwithin minutesafter starting a meal may be caused by: Carbonated drinks, like soda or beer Baking soda Helycobacter pyloriinfection of the stomach. Infection with this bacterium is common and may cause nausea, early ...
After adjusting for multiple covariables, this positive correlation remained stable (β = 0.14, 95%CI = 0.09–0.18). Vitamin D dietary supplementation and mortality Given the association between lower serum 25 (OH)D concentration and increased mortality, the impact of vitamin D ...
Unlike bulimia nervosa, a related eating disorder, people with binge eating disorder do not typically engage in compensatory behaviors of purging of food eaten after episodes. Getty Feel out of control and guilty when you overeat? You’re not alone, and a therapist can help Binge eating ...
Combine legumes with easily digestible whole grains, likericeor quinoa, and drink plenty of water. Your body will eventually get used to fiber-rich foods, which may reduce your symptoms.5 3. Dairy You may be lactose intolerant if you feel gassy after a few slices of cheese or a bowl of...
Tiredness (fatigue) and reactions at the injection site may also occur. More serious, but less common or even rare side effects include a risk for thyroid cancer, which has been seen in animal studies, inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), gallstones (stones in the gallbladder), and...
A Rare Cause of Hyperkalaemia: Excessive Potassium ntake with Diet Does Hyperkalaemia Occur After Eating Bananas?doi:10.20515/otd.716443anak, Mustafa EminBaeci, Kübra ParpucuAcar, NurdanOsmangazi Journal of Medicine / Osmangazi Tip Dergisi...
Babies are most likely to experience constipation after they start eating solids. Before then, they are still on an all-liquid diet of breast milk or formula (or a combination), so their food is more easily absorbed and digested, says Jennifer Shu, MD, FAAP, an Atlanta-based pediatrician....