把总成文件激活为设计模式,选中最大的装配文件 选择 "Generate CATPart from Product..." 在新...
把总成文件激活为设计模式,选中最大的装配文件 选择 "Generate CATPart from Product..." 在新...
CATIA R20培训资料(产品工程师适用)_4_Assembly Design
17、ly. Note that Thickness2 is not available.If you click on the “Merge Ends” option, you will trim the Rib to existing material.Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 200221This task can also be applied on Slots. The Thin Slot looks like this.Creating Stiffeners (1/2)Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 20...
end, Merge Ends can be used to extend or shorten the rib to its proper wall The profile of the Rib can be controlled by simply using one of the 3 choices under the Profile control section of the window Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 18 ...
Note: Bodies in 3DXML need to be imported as distinct actors. Make sure that you clear Merge file in one actor in (Default) Document Properties > Input page. CATIA V5-6 R2014 (R24) GA is now supported. 3 What's New? What's NewLQ3OD\HU 3OD\HU3UR? This section describes...
在New Part Number中输入生成的零件部件的名称,如果选中“将每个零件的所有几何体合并为一个几何体 (Merge all bodies of each part in one body)”选项,可以将各零件的零件几何体合并到一个几合体。点击OK生成PART文件,并自动在CATIA中打开。 注意:
选择 "GenerateCATPartfrom Product..." 在新的命令窗口 选中"Merge all bodies of each part ...