3Selectanywheretogeneratetheunfoldedviewonthe drawing Dashedbendlines Tonotgeneratethebend lines,unchecktheCenter LineandAxisoptionsin thedressupProperties panel 42 ToSumUp… Inthislessonyouhaveseen… Howtoaddsectionviewsandsectioncutstoadrawing Howtoaddsecondaryviews 43 EditingView’sLayoutandProperties Inth...
Learn how to add and remove Boolean operation in CATIA?Submitted by Benisha Lama, on March 02, 2022 Add: The ADD operations ignore the feature type and add the shape to the part body.Remove: The REMOVE operations ignore the feature type and remove the shape from the part body....
3 钣金设计概述 介绍钣金设计工作台 进入工作台用户接口术语了解一般过程 沈飞工学院 4 进入工作台 21- 可以从1-开始菜单2-档菜单3-工作台工具 3- 进入钣金设计工作台,建立一个包含几何元素的PartBody 5 钣金设计用户接口:零件树 文件扩展名.CATPart(与普通零件设计相同)钣金参数 ...
37、门汕囹OK | 0 Apply | 9 Cancel lO.OiJlrnrn取消松弛Slack is Ignored and the bundle is modifiedCopyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 200241Support Management增加线束支撑Objective: You are going to learn how to add a Support to a bundle segment and also how to remove a Support from a bundle segment...
45、ct this Body with your “Master” PartBody gives you this added modeling flexibilityCopyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 200266Sketch Selection with Multi-Document LinksYou can copy a sketch in a document then paste it into another document keeping the link with the first one. You can use this copied...
or stacks of Plies, with a common thickness. Also defined, are the interactions between sequences, the drop-off pattern of the Plies, and areas to cut and splice Plies. This is just a portion of the data within a single part, so it is easy to see how the size of the data can eas...
1、Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 20021 CATIA Tools for Proficient Users CATIA Training Foils for Instructor Version 5 Release 9 June 2002 EDU-CAT-E-PRO-FI-V5R9 Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 20022 Course Presentation Objectives of the course In this course you will learn how to use tools dedicated to...
1 一、GeneralProcess流程 GenerativeDraftingworkbenchandInteractiveDraftingworkbenchareexactlythesameexceptforthetoolsallowingtogeneratetheviewsgeometryfromthe3Dautomaticallyandtodimensionthemautomaticallytoo.Sketcher PartDesign Associativelink AssemblyDesign GenerativeDrafting -AGenerateView(s)Geometry -BDimension View(s)D...
20: uses a wire OLFT, sometimes distorted, how to solve? Answer: you can try to add one or several wires in the relative position. How to 21: in any parts design in a mobile BODY? Answer: first the compass onto the required BODY, then pull the pointer in the direction of the ...
5、Create different types of wallsAdd冲孔冲孔and 3D FeaturesAdd different types of弯曲弯曲Modify Wall Thickness and Wall SizesCreating a Flat View of the part10钣金钣金ParametersIn this lesson,you will see how to start a钣金钣金part by assigning the basic parameter needed to create the part.Defi...