Clothing ……… 67,439,000 Liquors ……… 77,889,000 Flour and gristmill products ………. 39,892,000 Agricultural implements ………. 38,412,000 Cars and general shop construction steam railroads….. . 25,491,000 Furniture ……… 22,132,000 Of the manufacturing business in Illi...
Michele di Murano, succeeded in retaining both house and community, by clothing the latter in the habits of secular priests, and by turning the former into a college for noble youths. The magnificent library was confiscated, and, after its chief treasures had been placed in public libraries, ...
I have said to you that this is the time of DECISION, in which I ask that My children – receiving the Light that I give now – would listen to My Voice, [and] differentiate it from the voice of the false Shepherd 3 [and] of the wolves in sheep’s clothing. And, having their g...
Rending (tearing) of garments, putting on sackcloth, rough clothing made from goats hair worn for mourning, and sprinkling ashes on the head were Hebrew customs expressing great sorrow over grave evils or as a sign of repentance for sin. I think we got off easy living in the modern era–...
On the latter island there had grown up a leper settlement where the Government kept segregated all persons afflicted with the loathsome disease. The board of health supplied the unfortunates with food and clothing, but was unable in the beginning to provide them with either resident physicians or...
War has been declared on Russia. It has been declared by a criminal terror grouping which names itself ‘Islamic State’ “Multiculturalism, so popular in Europe, presupposing not only the equality of all religions but also their absence from the public space, has fully exhausted and discredited...
Make aPurgatory Boxand include names and types of people for whom you intend to pray Make a familyAll Souls prayer candle Make and shareSoul Cakesfor All Souls Day (an English tradition) Share food, clothing and toys with the needy (or perhaps make a donation to a charitable cause in a...
“Jesus is King”) and tour followed. West has since disavowed his “conversion”5and was in the news recently for peddling Nazi-themed clothing items on his website and for parading his wife in a totally transparent “dress” before onlookers at the Grammys. Christians need to be very ...
*Please see the Important Notice regarding treacherous Wolves in Sheep's Clothing by clicking here.Pray the Rosary - Wear the Brown Scapular!"Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist... The Church will be in eclipse..."(Words spoken by Our Lady of La Salette to ...
clothing of the naked, healer of the sick, pilot of those that sail the sea, liberator of prisoners, nourisher and protector of widows and orphans, guardian of chastity, gentle tutor of children, support of the aged, guide of fasters, rest of those that labor, abundant riches of the poor...