gods with whom he was to identify himself, and the one hundred and twenty-fifth, where, along with the disclaimer of forty-two offenses, we find also an enumeration of several good works, as feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, making offerings to the dead, and sacrificing to the gods...
Rending (tearing) of garments, putting on sackcloth, rough clothing made from goats hair worn for mourning, and sprinkling ashes on the head were Hebrew customs expressing great sorrow over grave evils or as a sign of repentance for sin. I think we got off easy living in the modern era–...
Make aPurgatory Boxand include names and types of people for whom you intend to pray Make a familyAll Souls prayer candle Make and shareSoul Cakesfor All Souls Day (an English tradition) Share food, clothing and toys with the needy (or perhaps make a donation to a charitable cause in a...
On the latter island there had grown up a leper settlement where the Government kept segregated all persons afflicted with the loathsome disease. The board of health supplied the unfortunates with food and clothing, but was unable in the beginning to provide them with either resident physicians or...
At this point someone asked me not to take pictures during the service, and I was obedient. I didn’t go there to be disruptive or do anything wrong. The Gospel wasLuke 4:14-21, which I strongly suspect had less to do with Lent than it was just what they most wa...