these prayers are also the prayer of the whole Church, and as such, they should also reflect some broader concerns. It would be appropriate, for instance, to pray for all married couples; for families; for the sick and the lonely; for...
The answer is no, according to St. Thomas Aquinas. Since Christ’s prayers were absolutely efficacious, being perfectly conformed to God's will, He only prayed for those in the world who would accept Him and were predestined to eternal life. ...
The textbooks took the perspective of gratitude for blessings and instructed children to be good children of Heavenly Father, to trust in God wholeheartedly, and to love Jesus Christ and others. Prayers were capitalized in all three versions. The new textbooks introduced students to other religions...
1)The Magnificent Prayers of Saint Bridget on the Passion of Christ. 2)The 14 Stations of the Cross by Saint Francis of Assisi. The Stations of the Cross, from writings of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich 3)The Prayers and Meditations of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 4)The...
, III). The first complete formulary is found in the Gelasian Sacramentary (in P.L., LXXIV), which embodies the Roman liturgical usages of the seventh century. Here the rite consists of prayers, sprinklings with holy water, and blessings. So quickly, however, was this ritual elaborated ...
This small book on humility was written by Pope Leo XIII when he was Bishop of Perugia for his seminarians. It is clear, concise and speaks with the authority of a spiritual elder on the practice of humility in such terms that it could benefit all the faithful by listening to his instruct...
But then also it says in this treasury too are the prayers and good works of all the saints, all those who have followed in the footsteps of Christ, the Lord by his grace and have made their lives holy and carried out the mission the Father entrusted to them. In this way, they ...
According to the information provided by the Diocese of Kafanchan, Okechukwu was kidnapped from his residence at about 9:15 p.m...Read more LIVE UPDATES: Pope Francis in prerecorded audio message Thursday thanks faithful for prayers Mar 6, 2025 By...
Perhaps one of the most egregious examples of compromise was in the developing Mariolatry. Prayers to Mary “the Mother of God” became part and parcel of the faithful Catholic’s devotional life. Indeed, Newman acknowledges that “Her being the Mother of God is the source of all the extrao...
The oldest examples are to be found in the Didache ton Apostolon, and in the Epistle of St. Clement of Rome, and in certain Epistles of St. Cyprian. In time, towards the fourth century, collections of prayers were made for those who were not adepts in the art of improvisation; these...